34. Fall in Love

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Edit/Re-Written: June 21, 2022

     A Knight W/ Shining Eyes: Chapter Thirty-Four; Fall in Love

Warnings: none


     Leaning back against Lev's chest, I bring his hand closer to my face and concentrate on the tiny strokes of the small brush in my hand. Letting out a chuckle behind me, Lev's breaths hit the top of my head, and the sensation makes small sparks tickle down my back. It makes me want to laugh, but I refuse to do so, instead biting down on my bottom lip. Snaking his other hand around my waist, his fingers press into my sides, "You having fun there, Princess?"

     I glare at his hand, he's distracting me, "Shh."

     Immediately, he stiffens behind me and it makes me roll my eyes. They'd find out sooner or later, but it is still an internal battle of trying to figure out how much information is too much information. "This relaxes me, it helps with my ADD."

     Lev hums behind me, "You have ADD?"

     With a nod I shift once more and move his hand in order to get the edge of his middle finger. We had decided to sit in the living room and since I have no internet or service we're left clueless on what to do. With Neal, it's always about training, so anytime we were in the cabin it's simply for protection against nature. Other activities were done during heats, like this - where I kept a plastic bag stashed with nail polish.

     "Yeah, I got diagnosed by my pack doctor and a suggestion of hers - outside of medication - is to do what relaxes me, or labor work." I shrug as I explain, "And this relaxes me."

     Looking over my shoulder, I pause, "Do you want me to stop?"

     He shakes his head, "I don't mind, Princess."

     Our eyes clash and I smile before turning back to finish his right hand. The only way we'd gotten into this situation was by me pinning him down against the couch - although I have a feeling that he let himself be attacked. Letting go of his right hand, I let him pull his arm out of my hold. Turning, I try to see what he thinks about the pastel yellow. There were many other vails and I'm still debating if I should go with the same color for his left hand or another color.

     Grinning at me he comments, "Eccentric, Princess."

     "You like 'em?"

     He nods at the question, "Yes, but I smell food, so how about you finish my other hand when we're done eating?"

     Bouncing at the mention of food, I nod, "Okay," With a narrowed stare I add, "You better not mess them up."

     Leaning forward, he presses a soft kiss against my chest. I try not to preen at the touch, "Wouldn't dream of it."

     And for some odd, stupid reason, that makes me smile.


     "What - is that nail polish?" Luke asks and the question makes Lev grin.

     "Yeah, do you like? Princess painted them for me." He flaunts his one painted hand around like a hand model and the action makes me giggle. I cringe at the sound immediately after because that sounded gross as hell. Shrugging, Luke makes his way over to sit down next to me. Me and Neal never really found a reason to buy furniture, so instead we bought bean bags - a lot of bean bags. Not that my mates seem to mind.

     We sit in a small circle, with a pot of meat in the center - the floor being protected by a thick marble chopping board. My stomach gurgles loudly at the scent of the food, and I quickly thank Luke once he's served and delivered our bowls.

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