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awkward reunions

SEAN MADE ME TAKE a break from school since what happened at the party. He let my dad know about the night, and both of my parents have been pestering me with attention— it was staring to get annoying. Rowan told me everyday that people made fun of her or did stuff to scare her. I wasn't ready.

My dad dropped me off, telling me to call him if anything happened. He was so worried about me that he made me start therapy, which I wasn't so mad about because it did help me with the memories. I just haven't gone for almost a week and I don't intend on going back, especially since my dad had another business trip to attend later this week and my mom was too busy with her boyfriend.

Sean took my under his wing, waiting for me outside, even waving to my dad. He walked with me, asking me if I was okay in which I replied, "I'm as miserable as I was before." He didn't find it funny so I rolled my eyes.

It was like this for a couple more seconds until he saw Hailey. Apparently she had taken a week off at school as well, but her first day back was yesterday which was nice seeing that she knew what I was going through.

"Hailey," I let out in relief, engulfing her in a hug.

"I missed you," she smiled. "How've you been?"

"Better," I nodded. She patted my back.

Her and Sean started to have a conversation of their own that I didn't pay attention to. I walked behind them slightly when someone shook my shoulders.

"You're back," Brandon looked down at me.

"Yeah, I-" I paused when I saw him. "You dyed your hair?"

"Needed a change," he nodded.

There was an awkward pause between us. The last time I spoke to him was at the party and even then, him and I had unfinished business between us. I mean, I still wasn't totally fond of his behavior and how he treated my friend and I wasn't willing to brush past it either.

But, for now, I would ignore it and hope there would be a time where I can have a mature conversation with him about it soon.

Sean then noticed I wasn't caught up with him and turned to see us two walking. He shared a confused look of his own, and so did Hailey which meant his hair had to have been a last minute decision.

"You hair?" Hailey questioned.

"I'm having an emo moment," he shrugged.

The school doors opened by him and I was immediately welcomed by the stench of high school kids. But then I spotted Rowan, and I ditched them to go see her.

"Oh my gosh," she smiled, hugging me. "I didn't think you would be back this soon."

"Well, I missed you," I shrugged innocently.

We were walking down the hallway, catching up on stuff when out of no where, something sounded like it popped. It sounded like a gunshot. I looked at Rowan and saw red stuff all over her face and shirt.

Some of it splattered on me as well.

"Hey, Rowan, that's a good look on you," Trevor, one of Brandon's friends, stated. "Nice color, isn't it, Cynthia?"

DELICATE  /  Brandon DarrowWhere stories live. Discover now