thirty six

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thirty six

Cynthia was walking to school in the ditch, listening to music through her earphones. She was scrolling through her phone, very oblivious to someone walking behind her as she continued to stroll.

She heard someone calling her so she turned around and saw Brandon. That's when she started to walk faster, trying her best to ignore him.

Until he grabbed her arm, turning her around toward him.

"Stay away," she told him while shoving his arm off of her, trying to walk away.

But he pulled her back. "Listen, Cynthia, I'm sorry," he started as another form of his apology but she still wasn't buying it.

"I heard that before," she responded sarcastically. That was when she looked up. She saw a mark on his right eye. Instinctively, she reached up, gently bringing her hand up to his cheek. "What happened?"

"Cynthia, I know you feel something with us," he told her very softly while staring down at her.

"I really don't," she answered, taking her hand away from his face very suddenly.

She knew she did.

"Cyn, you can't do this," he tried once more.

"Do what?" She questioned, attitude trailing in her voice very clearly. "You broke my heart first, Darrow, you can't pull this guilt trip on me."

She tried to walk away but he grabbed her arm again.

"Cynthia, I'm gonna put an end to this once and for all," he said in hopes it would get her to understand but it was no use. "You have to trust me."

"I don't think I'll be able to trust you ever again," Cynthia confessed and tried to walk away but he pulled her back once more which only made her annoyed.

"King Cobra framed me, Cyn," he declared as she didn't even look up at him because of how much she just wanted to leave.

She knew that wasn't true because Rowan told her she did it with Elisia's help. But she wouldn't rat her friends out like that especially for someone like Brandon.

"I don't care, Brandon. You were the one that started it. You put me and my friends in danger. If you seriously cared about me, you wouldn't have done it in the first place," her voice raising a bit, still not knowing if she should be believing him but apart of her knew not to.

"I'm gonna end it, okay? I promise," he repeated which made her roll her eyes.

"I wish- I wish you never climbed through my bedroom window," she stuttered, finally giving him one last look that made him feel guiltier than before.

She managed to walk away, making sure her steps were worth her while so she didn't have to be turned around to face him anymore.

Brandon was left there with a broken heart. He couldn't lose her. And he knew he wouldn't. He was always there for her.

He loved her.

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