Lauren Sanderson x reader

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Hey guys!! I'm sorry if this is bad. I have never written for Lauren Sanderson and just recently found out about her and don't know much about her but I'm doing this for @idreamadream, go check out her stories please.

You and your bestfriend (Y/f/n)made your way into the VIP section of the club after the gaurds checked your names on the list.

You were a new celebrity, bringing out new songs that you and (Y/f/n)create and sing together and you guys had made alot of celebrity friends.

You and (Y/f/n)made your way up the stairs and spotted your friend group, louncing on big comfortable sofas, chatting among each other.

The friend group include you,(Y/f/n), Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Gigi
Hadid, Kylie, Zayn Malik, Justin Beiber(beaver, sorry I'm not a fan of his),Haily Baldwin and Taylor Hill.

"Well well, look who finally decide to grace us with their prences." Kendall tuted out playfully and made space for you and (Y/f/n)to sit down next to her as the others happily greeted you two.

You let out a chuckle and ran your fingers through your hair"Sorry, the streets were busy." You explaind.

"Lies. You couldn't decide what to wear. I had to drag you here." (Y/f/n)joked and recieved a punch on the shoulder from you as she stuck out her tongue at you.

"Do you think a certian someone is gonna be here?"(Y/f/n) asked, giving you a smirk you know all too well.

"I don't know. And so what if she showed up here?" You eyed her, not liking the teasing

"You want to bang her so you must care." (Y/f/n) teased, a naughty smirk on her lips.

"Quit the teasing. I know you have a not so small crush on Bella and I can tell her." You treatened, a smirk crossing your face too at the surprised look on her face.

"You are lying. I don't have a crush on Bells." She sputtered out, her face beet red as you chuckled to yourself, before whispering in her ear.

"Your face say otherwise. And I've seen the way you are hungrily staring at her. And that nickname for her." You elbowed her softly.

(Y/f/n) glared at you pointedly"Fine you win. Just don't tell anyone or I'll kill you."

You got up"Love you too." You snickerd before going to the bar to grab a drink.

After getting your drink you turned around and almost bumped into someone.

"Sorry." You apologised and looked up to the person and your (e/c) eyes widen as you blue eyes stared into yours.

"It's alright. I didn't look where I were going either." The blonde explained, giving you a warm smile as you continued to stare at her.

"No freaking way. Lauren Sanderson is standing infront of me." You didn't realized that you said it out loud until it was too late, making the woman chuckle.

"Indeed. And you are (Y/n) (Y/s/n)?" Lauren eyed you curiously.

"Yeah that's me." You stutter out, giving her a friendly smile.

"Cool. I love you and your friend's songs. They are beautiful. We should do a song together sometime." Lauren complimented honestly, making you giddy.

"Thank you. Your songs are cool too. And I'll take you up on that offer." You agreed.

"Wanna dance with me?" Lauren asked, tilting her head to the busy dance floor where people were dancing to the blaring music.

You looked down at your drink before setting it down, not caring about it anymore at all.

"Sure." You accepted and took the hand she held out for you, making your stomach fill with butterflies at the welcoming contact.

As you reached the dance floor you began to dance loosley at first until Lauren started guiding you to grind agains her as Give me everything tonight from Pitbull started playing.

You happily danced against her.

You catch sight of (Y/f/n) dancing with Bella past you, mouthing the word cheers and giving a cheeky wink.

You continued to dance unil the song ended and you and Lauren sat down on the sofa near your friend group that were holding a drinking contest.

"How bout we get outta here? We can go to a more peacefull place." Lauren suggested, while stroking your arm softly, making goosebums appear with the gesture, making her smile to herself at your reaction.

"Sure, why not. (Y/f/n) is going to go home with Bella." You agreed and took her hand as she led you through the crowds of people and outside.

You both sat on a few stairs, near the parkinglot.

"Can I have your number? I want to keep in touch with you." Lauren ask, fishing her phone out from hear jean pocket and hand it over to you.

"Sure." You happily typed it in before handing it back to her.

"Thanks for the dance. It was nice. We should do it often." Lauren stated without shyness, and you hummed in agreement.

"So? My place or your place?" Lauren asked and you looked at her in confusion until the meaning sunk it, making you blush as Lauren eyed you, waiting for your reply.

"Any place." You said and let out a surprised gasp as Lauren pulled you to your feet and ran to her car, fising through her pocket for the car keys.

Next morning☆

You woke up to the feeling of someone's fingers running throug your hair softly, naked body tangled agains another one.

"Good morning." Lauren whispered in your ear huskily, sending shivers down your spine as you looked into hear beautiful eyes.

"Morning." You greeted back. You picked your phone up and saw alot of texts from (Y/f/n).

(Y/F/N): I told you that you were gonna bang her tonight@.@

You let out a grunt at the text and typed back.

(Y/N): Well, you banged Bella.

And burried your head into the blonde's neck, blushing as she giggled at you.

"It's not funny. I'm not gonna hear the end of this soon." You huffed before laughing along with her and the cuddling further.


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