coffee: Kara Danvers x fem reader

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This was requested by supercorpfan3000. My very first request ever. Hope you like it and it isn't too shitty.

(Kara's pov)

I made my way too Noonans to grab a cup of coffee before going to work like every morning and afternoon.

The reason I mainly go there everday is because of that cute barista working there and I always order by her. She is just so shy and sweet and I often gush to my sister about her much to her annoyance for me not asking her on a date.

The more I see her everyday, the more I fall in love with her. Her (Y/e/c)eyes that burn my soul everytime we make eye contact and her beautiful (Y/h/l) (y/h/c) and those pink kissable lips ame a smile to brighten my day whenever I'm feeling down after fighting crime.

I need her in my life. I want to wake up to her beautiful smile and hold her in my arms and never let go ever.

Her name is (Y/N).

"Good morning, let me guess. The uasual?" (Y/N) asked with a warm smile grazing her pink lips, dacing me for a moment.

"Good morning and yes please." I said after snapping myself out of my dace.

"I'll bring it right now." (Y/N) said before going to the kitchen.

Damn that smile, I thought to myself as I waited patiently.

It didn't take long for her to apear with my coffee. I payed for it, leaving her a nice tip.

"See this afteroon." (Y/N) said before going back to work after giving me one last smile.


I stumbled into noonans after a hard day of secretly crime fighting, feeling drained as I searched for (Y/N) and spotting her at the order counter, giving someone their order with a friendly smile that lifted my spirits even though it was not me she was smiling at.

Another thing that I loved about her is that she is always friendly to anyone.

"Hard day?" (Y/N) asked as she looked up at me, noticing my tired state.

"Yeah. You have no idea." I said, and gave her a tired smile.

"I'll go and make your coffee." (Y/N) said before going to the kitchen but before she was gone I caught a glint in her eyes.

After a few minutes (Y/N) returend and put a cup of cuppichino and a plate with a piece of red velvet cake on in front oem me.

I looked into her (e/c) confusedly, and she only smiled at me.

"This isn't my order." I said.

"I know, but it's a treat from me. You look tired and you need someting to help you feel better. And it's free for you." (Y/N) said in a friendly voice.

The idea of her noticing and caring about me made me melt.

"Thank you. You are too kind." I felt my heart flutter in my chest.

After I finished with the cake and cuppichino, I walked back to the counter where she is.

"Thank you. That definetly made my day better." I thanked her happily, recieving a friendly smile from her.

"Your welcome." She said.

I managed to scrape up some courage fogq what I'm about to do.

"Are you free anytime soon?" I asked her, feeling a little nervous as I waited for her answer.

"I'm off tommorow. Why?" She asked curiously, her (e/c) fixed on my blue eyes.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date." I breathed out nervously, hoping that she won't reject me.

"I would love to. Here is my number to text me the details." She handed over a piece of paper with her phone number on.

I smiled in relieve. As I got home I let out a happy squel making Alex come rushing towards me.

"What? What happened? Why are you screaming?" Alex asked worriedly.

"Nothing mom." I teased her, making her roll her eyes at me.

"What is it then?" Alex asked impatiently.

"I've got a date with (Y/N) tommorow." I said happily.

"Well it's about time. You were always gushing about her and didn't make a move. I war getting tired of that. I'm happy for you." Alex smiled at her sister, genuilly happy at the bright smile on her face.

"I should go and buy an expensive dress. What color? Blue, black or red?" Kara started rambling but Alex cut her off.

"Kara. No need to buy fancy dresses. Just be yourself. And you have beautiful enough clothes in your closet." Alex assured her before she freaked out even more.

Kara relaxed as Alex pulled her towards the living room and they started talking about the date ideas.


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