Chapter Three

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-EDITED- 1/2

The Codes:
Y/n (your name)
L/n (your last name)
H/c (hair colour)
S/c (skin colour)
E/c (eye colour)
B/N (brothers name)
F/C (fav colour)
F/B (fav band)
F/F (fav food)
F/C/AP (fav colour animal plush)
F/CH (fav chips)
F/S (Fav spread aka Jam, Nutela, PenutButter, Butter)
Y/F/M (fav movie)
Y/F/B (favorite book)



I woke up to the alarm clock by my bed telling me to get up, " Alright I'm up I'm up " yelling aloud towards the clock, opening my eyes slowly and putting my hands up and out like I was surrendering to something, getting up from my desk, and heading straight to have a shower because I stunk.

finishing up my time in the shower, I got dressed into a (F/B) black top, (F/C) skinny jeans and black converses. I lazily put my hair up in to a messy ponytail and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Once I finished I headed for the door to school and on the way grabbed my wooden katana, school bag and your (F/C) hoodie and left. On my way to school I was riding my skateboard and listening to music, in a split second I was pushed off of my skateboard, as I was about to impact the ground I closed my eyes only to feel someone had caught me.

As I opened my eyes, looking up to meet a boy wearing a white hoodie with red stains and having his black hair hang out of his hood. I couldn't really see his face, the hood covered it all up. He helped me up to my feet while I still had my eyes on him, "thank you" I replied in a shy like voice, he nodded and ran off with out a word said.

In seconds he disappeared like he wasn't even there to start of with and he was just a figment of my imagination, ''what a strange boy'' I commented to myself, I got back on the skate board and rushed my way to school, by the time I was upstairs to my locker the first period started so I grabbed everything I needed, closed my locker and headed to my class.

Without looking were I was going I bumped into some one while on my way to class and fell on my ass from impact "damit what's wrong with me today" I mumbled to myself while I rubbed my ass and looked up, "and my luck just better..."I whisper just under my breath. In front of me was the hall monitor of the school, she hated my guts for no reason and even better she has known me since primary, always being a pain in my ass fucking hurting me with the words she says and violence she plays.

She hates me, I hate her it's a win, win situation if I do say so myself but she never leaves me the fuck alone ever, she is on my back 24/7. " late again BT what happened another family murder oh wait you don't have a family no more " she  giggled to herself, reason why she called you BT is because I developed breasts at a earlier age than average than to what all the other girls at school had and I was eventually given the name BT, I was teased and bullied for my breast size and accused for stuffing my shirt and at some point I went to desperate measures and started binding my chest but it didn't work for they where to big for it to work out, ever since the start of my high school years it's been all the same.

And the comment on your family is because ever since the murder of them it spread like wild fire and people even at school backed away from you because you 'nature' were like of a psychopath and that you did the dirty deed of killing them. " oi leave my family out of this! " I replied " or what you going to murder me like you did to your brother he didn't even love you for crying out loud " I was outraged from what came out of her mouth, fuming with anger, on the verge to rip her beating heart out and shred her to pieces for insulting him.

He loved me from the bottom of his heart and I knew that from the memories you shared and that he sacrificed his life to save you and get you out of the place when the mascara happened ''who would love that'' she said pointing her out stretched finger at me. Between the time I have spent on the ground and talking to this chicken bitch the second bell went for next class and people started gathering around like some show was happening.

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