A change in course

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-[Hello my lovely readers~ Author here I am so so sorry for the long pause on this chapter alot of stuff happened in my life and I needed to take a break but I am back and with another chapter ready to go for you guys! The first chapter of 2019 wooooooo!]-

Chapter 10

~{5 Years Later}~

~{Continuation of chapter one}~

Jak awoke in a room filled with many colors for what he was seeing he didn’t know it wasn’t his room at his home for certain. He sat up slipping the silk like blanket from atop of him to the side. He paused looking at his hands they looked different and for some reason he felt strangely worried. “You’re probably confused jak of earth” a delicate voice said coming into Jak’s sight. “You hold the essence of my dear brother the prince” Jak watched as this lady walked over and sat at the end of the bed. “What do you know about this?” Jak said utterly stunned and rather amused that he had forgotten that the prince of the Embers had rested with in him that starry night on the cliff when the star oasis had went by. “We had only just recently found out your family was the keeper of the ancient book passed to Jak himself many centuries ago, but jak's death and disappearance was nothing but a myth till now..” Jak watched as the lady’s hair moved over her shoulder as she looked sadly to the ground. “I am the princess's of the Embers I had hoped that my vision was wrong but it seems that our brother had made good with making friends with eartherners… for this you must stand in my brother place as prince till his aura leaves you which could only happen when his will is completed I will not ask what he has asked of you” the princess said lightly shuffling her hair behind her pointed ear. Jak shuffled himself to the edge of the bed he noted his height had grown while he did not look like the prince one bit he will agree to standing in the place of the real prince. “I promise to do what must be done I truly am sorry for the loss of the true prince” he said as he reached out and lightly placed a hand on the princess's shoulder. She smiled kindly while looking at him “well now that that is settled i will teach you everything about how to be the prince but since you are not from here truly you will be given different privileges from my brother” The princess took jaks’ hand and lifted him to his feet. Slightly stunned he staggered but what shocked him the most was when he looked behind him to see a pair of wings lightly folded away on his back that flapped lightly as the princesses lead him quickly away. He wasn’t sure whether his wings were clear or even remotely like fae or like the true prince wings. A glint of light caught his eyes  his eye as the princess led him through a long corridor. Looking to his left he saw tinted windows that made the corridor rather dark but the design from it made the dark window enjoyable as the light from outside glowed brightly onto them. The design was of battles, creatures of many things, he seen other people from past days of the Ember kingdom, but as they continued down the corridor the light grew brighter and brighter till the tinted glass disappeared from the windows and a light breeze flowed into the hall. The wind brushed against jaks’ wings causing him to shiver, he realized that his wings really were attached to him and not just the clothes that seemed they were made for him though he felt that he had only just arrived here on the oasis star. “Pretty isn’t it jak..” the princess said slowing her pase down so he can enjoy the view from the hall. She released his hand letting jak venture to the open window. “We are in the kingdom hall where the history of the Embers is recorded in glass much as the book you have holds everything about the past future and present things.” the princess went on for a bit but jak wasn’t listening he was staring out at the wonderful world he had only dreamed of looking at. The hall was in the air being held by limestone pillars perfectly crafted to stand tall against anything that is thrown at it. The scenery held him at awe for as he looked far down he could see a large town and roads many animals he could see trees for miles and miles, gardens fully being taken care of by the small fae that circled each Ember person that ventured the roads or flew from to near and far, the houses were expertly crafted around trees, near rivers, in the trees branches, or crafted into the ground like rabbit holes. Jak could only smile as he watched everything as it was and he could be part of it. “Your highness” someone spoke walking down the corridor toward him and the princess jak clench his fist feeling a strange hateful feeling well up inside him. He heard a voice in his head “he is one of them but it is not time yet lightly mention it to my sister…” Jak lightly nudged the princess while watching the person walk closer. “I don’t like him..” he whispered to her, she looked at him and slightly nodded as the person stood in front of them and bowed. “The queen has requested to meet the new comer in person..” the person was tall and thin, his wings were dull and short with a slight brown tint. He slightly eyed jak with a slight hate in his eyes but stayed quiet. “Understood you may leave now” the princess said waving a hand dismissing him. He rose and took his leave and slightly glared at Jak in a way that made jak want to harm him. He shook his head as the princess rested her own hand on his shoulder. “you will be meeting mother for the first time do not fret she is not cruel for she is was in mourning for a long time” jak only nodded as she began to lead him away once more down the long corridor.

~a few moments later~

Jak and the princess stood in the throne room where the king and queen were waiting for them both. “greeting young one you must be the barrier of my son's aura” jak nodded slightly as the king spoke calmly to him. The king though he didn't smile jak could tell by his eyes he was greatly smiling with pride and happiness of him being here.”oddly enough you look rather differently here than you did on your home grounds your black hair, clothing included is also different from others” the king said looking over jak with fascination. “my dearest let the boy do what he wills around the kingdom for a time” the queen said with a soft voice that jak could only say sounded like a hush on a cool breeze. “very well my dear child please teach him how to use his wings if he is even capable of flight” the princess nodded lightly before guiding Jak out of the throne room and down to a large platform over a garden. “try to spread out your wings like this” she demonstrated by opening her wings and letting the light and wind catch them lightly. “o-ok…” Jak said nervously glancing at his neatly folded wings that laid on his back. He stared at them utterly speechless at the color that he could see from them being closed. Shaking his head he closed his eyes and thought about his wings. He pictured them opening so they catch the light and feeling the breeze blow gently onto them. He imagined flying up in the sky along the breeze as he looked down at everything as he flew by. He slowly felt his wings lift outward as they unfolded themselves, they felt heavy and it was hard for him to move them he had to strain his mind as they opened. He heard the princess gasp lightly as his wings finally settled opened fully. “i have never seen wings such as yours jak of earth…” she said in a hushed voice. Jak opened his eyes he was slightly catching his breath for it was not easy focusing on opening his heavy wings. The princess reached out and hand and lightly touched one wing “they are fairly new for you thus the heaviness you must feel is from their stiffness and the slight liquid that dappens them from being formed rest your mind.. let the breeze dry them..” she covered jak's eyes making it hard for him to not see why his wings were unique from any other Ember. Jak eyes though being covered closed themself as he sighs. A calm and soft breeze flowed over and past his wings forcing a shiver to run along his spine. This… was blissful.. jak thought to himself he felt his wings slowly grow lighter as the breeze dried whatever was on his wings. After a moment or two his wings felt light as a feather. He slightly moved them even though he had know idea how he did so. Jak heard the princess giggle lightly before she removed her hand. “here look..” she whispered gesturing to his wings. He looked backed at them and gasped in amazement. His wings were colored with a soft pink, a light brown, a dim orange, a soft yellow, and lines of a soft blackish brown, the shape of them where that of a king swallowtail back on earth. “it is rare to see wings such as yours Jak they will serve you well in a fight against anyone and they will be your aid in flight across the sky” jak only nodded as he had never even imagined he would have such amazing wings. He couldn't help himself from smiling as he lifted them up and down in a quick movement. He was off the ground in 2 wing beats the princess followed shortly after he was in the sky. Jak laughed feeling the breeze blow around him he felt as if the wind was at his side. With each wing beat the princess matched smiling warmly at jak. “i am not sure I can even be like your brother now princess..” jak said smiling at her. “then don't be you are only here to fulfill what my brother asked you to do..” jak smiled brighter and lightly grabbed both of her hands slightly startling her as he whisked her around in a circle. He wings were strong enough to hold both their weights as he danced in the air with her. “jak haha” the princess smiled brightly as jak perfectly matched her style of dancing as if he’d known how to dance like a Ember for Eons. They danced in the air for a long moment before they landed lightly back onto the platform. “that was rather nice heh.” jak said letting the princess go “it was wasn't it..” the princess replied stepping away lightly before demonstrating how to close ones wings. Jak followed her steps but had to picture it in his mind to close his own. It wasn't that hard to close them as it was to open them the first time. Little did they both know that near the corridor of history an evil was glaring coldly at them both from where they were. This evil soon traveled down and into the king's chamber. “my king it has been and honor serving you” He spoke to the king in a manner of hatefulness. The king turned to face who spoke to him but before he could see who it was a long dagger stabbed through him chest forcing him to cry out in pain as the dagger retracted from his chest. The king was dead and this was only the beginning of his plan. He held his blade up as he looked down at the dead king before looking out the window toward the platform that laid further down the palace

“You are next Jak of earth”

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