Restore Power

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Chapter 13

Lucy walked over to him and pulled his arm leading him away quickly toward the Library. “Mother is dead.. This is her favorite place and I only found a cloth with the color of her blood…” she said sadly as they entered the library and moved to the window seat where the cloth laid crumpled up and discarded. Jak didn’t pay much attention as his eyes caught the gleam of a dim blue light from under the seating.kneeling down he looked under and picked up the jeweled tear from underneath the seating. He stood holding it in his hands catching the princess attention. Looking at the jewel she gasped, “That’s a life tear..” Jak gave a confused looked but before he could ask the tear glowed brightly “ah!?” the light resided after a moment and a beam glowed pointing to the bookshelf. “Mother must have known what would happen…” Lucy and walked to the shelf before carefully taking up the book that the light was pointing to. Her eyes widened as she held the book. “Wing keepers…” she read allowed “by the seventh star of Oasis this is a complete book on the form of wings humans can have!” Jak was even more confused as he watched Lucy open the book and begin to read. “It says that the keepers of human bound wings are gifts from home star that restores it to what it was once to be a great kingdom, it said that every dust that wing keepers spread restore the star to life.” Jak thought for a long moment before responding. “How can I help?” Lucy smiled before setting the book down “follow me” she led the way to the throne room Jak following behind ignoring the small glints coming off his wings. He ignored his thoughts as he princess showed him behind the thrones where a secret passage was hidden behind the queen's throne. “Through here is the center of the Oasis only you can go past this point on your own” Jak nodded before beginning to walk down the long passage. To jak's amazement when he reached the end he could only stare, at the center of the star was a glowing form of the prince himself his wings were now the same as his own.


Hello lovely readers!~
This is the final chapter of jak and the Embers i hope you guys have enjoyed it~ Comment down below if you would like a sequel to this with a simple yes or no and i will tally everything up and see who wins
Good luck!~

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