Chapter 4

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She's been gone for a week now. Not once contacting her family.

Not once showing the public that she was ok.

But then again Vivianna was not ok. Far from it actually. She's been experiencing these horrible dreams, dreams were a certain person is always mentioned.

And a disgusting black creature with red eyes.

She never told Daniel about her dreams. Actually she hasn't spoken to anyone since the first nightmare, when Daniel had appeared like her night in shinning armor and rocked her back and forth as she cried in fear.

Their mother, Yanae, says she's suffering from post traumatic stress.

That's not the case at all. Vivianna perfectly grasped everything that happened that night, being kidnapped, held hostage, and almost being stabbed to death.

She just don't understand why. Sure her father has enemy's, people who want money from the only man in their whole country that can provide it.

But they wouldn't hold her hostage and then try to kill her. They would threaten her life to her father and he would be forced to hand over the money or they would kill his soon to queen daughter.

They had a completely different purpose.

Vivianna spent alot of time in the guest room, not eating or drinking, just pondering her thoughts.

Maybe she was suffering from post traumatic stress. She didn't know, she just needed to know what will happen next.

Yanae says that Vivianna's not healed up enough so travelling and having to deal with the public would be like suicide.

Her stomach would open and bleed her life out. No thanks.

Perrie doesn't try talking to Vivianna, she mostly ignores her like shes some kind of disease spreading monster.

Yanae treats her like a second daughter which warms Vivianna's heart. To actually having a caring parent look after you was something shes never experienced before.

Daniel goes out of his way to have absolutely nothing to do with Vivianna. He doesn't look at her talk, talk to her, or even get near her.

Honestly it hurt her. He saved her life, treated her with such affection, and then completely avoided her very existence.

It was Sunday morning and Vivianna has finally gathered her thoughts. Tonight... Tonight she will leave.

She wouldn't be able to bear saying good bye to Yanae, having been treated so well she doesn't ever want to leave from the safety of their home.

But she has too. Needs too. Tommy and Stella need her more than anything right now, and its selfish of her to hide away from everyone like this.

She needs to be strong. For the first time since the night she had gotten here, Vivianna gets up and goes to the kitchen to get some food without being forced.

To her extreme displeasure she finds that everyone is there, gathered around the dinning table, not sharing a word.

They immediately sensed her presence and all three of their heads snapped up. They stared at her in shock, their mouths agape.

Vivianna didn't pause or meet their gazes on the way to the refrigerator. She opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and some string cheese and stood up.

Daniels gaze was burning into the side of her face as she opened the plastic wrapping around the cheese and threw it into the garbage can. Just having his eyes on her sent tingles on her skin.

"I'm leaving tonight" For someone who hasn't spoken in a week Vivianna's voice was strong and clear. She lifted her head high in the air and looked them in the eyes with a fierce, set, face.

Daniel tensed, he narrowed his eyes and gave her a dangerous look. Perrie kept her face emotionless, not revealing anything she was feeling. She was pretty good at that. Yanae looked sad, almost disappointed, and looked down at her fragile bony hands in her lap.

No one spoke for a good 5 minutes.

Taking the silence as acceptance Vivianna turned on her heel and started to march her way out of the kitchen and to the guest room when she froze.

"No your not"

He didn't move, his eyes never left the back of her head, and his voice was cold as ice.

Vivianna turned around and looked him straight in the eyes. "Oh? And why not?"

He got up from his seat and walked till he was directly in front of her. His eyes never left her and it intrigued Vivianna.

"Because you could still be in danger, who knows the next time they will show up again?" His voice was cold and stern, yet his eyes held a sort of passion as he gazed at her.

Like he didn't want her too leave. Vivianna mentally shook her head. No I just want him to not want me to leave. Yeah that's it. She told herself, almost trying to convince herself.

"So what do you suggest? I never go back to the castle again? hide for the rest of my life? let my family think I'm dead?" She asked in disbelief. The last one hurt the most.

"No!" Came Yanae's grave voice as she stood up and joined our face off.

"You will return to the castle, but Daniel will come with you"



Vivianna and Daniel both exclaimed, shooting daggers at each other. How would that even work, its not like they'd just let him inside with her.

"You heard me. You will get Daniel a full time personal butler job at the castle" Yanae voice was serious, her face impassive.

Vivianna scoffed, not liking the idea at all. "And who's personal butler would he be" she crossed her arms across her chest and watched them both.

Daniel stared at his mother with a pleading look, as though begging with his eyes that she wouldn't make him be a Butler at the castle.

Well fine! she didn't want him there either. But even as she thought it she knew it was a lie.

"Your... personal Butler" Yanae said slowly, watching her.

Her mouth fell open, as did Daniels, as they stared at Yanae, then began shouting at once.

"WHAT? That's crazy! I refuse to let him! He OBVIOUSLY cant stand me! And i don't need him watching me anyway! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I'm NOT a child!"

"NO! I wont- I WILL NOT! I'm not a damn babysitter! I'm not going to her fucking servant so she can boss me around and treat me like shit just like how she does with all the other staff!"

Vivianna turned and slapped Daniel hard across the face.

"How DARE YOU. I treat everyone with there with great kindness! You would be lucky to be working in such a well paying, high class, castle! And i don't need a fucking babysitter!"

"GOOD! Because I'm not doing it, so you wont need a fucking babysitter!"

"GOOD! Because i don't want you there anyway!"

9 Hours Later:

"Excuse me i would like to make this young man, Daniel, my new personal Butler. Orders coming from Princess Vivianna Dawn"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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