Chapter 5 - Dance Battle And A Call

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*_Vivienne's POV_*

When I found the rhythm and beat I want to dance to, I started doing twist and turns. Then off to some freezes. Then some of my own moves. I just lose to myself to the music. Not giving a care to what any one think. For some people, they would either draw if they're stress, or play an instrument, or sing, etc. But for me, it's dancing. You could say dancing is my escape.

Combining a freeze with one of my own moves, I was finally done with my masterpiece. I was panting a little, and my hair was probably very similar to a rat's nest. I then realizeI was standing right in front of Ryder, very closely too.

I could tell that Ryder was very shocked as to what I just did. He had his mouth wide opened, and eyes bulging out of their sockets. His raven hair falling perfectly over his gray-eyes that seem to change pattern every time he blinks.

"Beat that." I grinned smugly as the crowd goes wild, some of them cheering, some of them laughing, but most were ooo-ing. I smiled at this, I know I can dance, but I'm not very cocky about it. Promise.

When Ryder still didn't move, all I did was laugh. Yep, laugh, I laugh my f*king arse off.

"Well I guess I win then." I said after I composed myself. I turned to face the crowd," Goodnight everybody!" I left Ryder standing there, except now he was smiling devilishly. I wanted to ask him why, but decided against it.

I walked up to my brother as he gave me a brotherly-sisterly hug.

"Yeah! You totally beat his f*cking arse!" He told me. I let out a chuckle as I pat his back in amusement.

When we let go of each other, I was still grinning like a dork to myself. I was pretty proud of myself as to what just went down. Then I remembered that Ace was still there. I found Ace staring at me. He kept opening his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

When he finally regain his cool, "How? What? How? Where did you learn how to dance like that? Where?" Ok maybe not all his cool. . .

I laughed at his ongoing ranting. "I was part of a crew back home. We always had gigs, which meant a lot of practice. We had gigs at clubs, the mall, and one time at a six years old party, believe or it or not." I laughed at the memory.

"What's so funny?" Ace raised a perfectly eyebrow. His golden hair was falling effortlessly over his hazel eyes. His hazel eyes, had golden specks in them, if you pay close attention. He looked so freakin' damn perfect, without even trying. He wasn't like those jerks, you know the ones that just flirts with girls, get in their pants, then dump them, then move on. Well at least I hoped. He really was nice. . . and perfect.

I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts, as I answered his question. "At the six years old party, her parents literally dunk her face in the cake. Then she just started crying, literally, it went on for about 20 minutes or so." We were now walking along the boardwalk.

I saw a cart that was selling cotton candy, which I got in line for.

The old man working behind the cart gave me what I wanted, "Thank you! Have a nice day! ". I gave him the money, and walk back to Ace and Vince.

I handed them their cotton candy. Vince took the cotton candy without saying thank you.

"Rude..."I glared at him playfully

He rolled his eyes, "Oh thank you your highness for buying me this oh so wonderful candy!"

"A simple thank you would have been fine." I glared at him more before giving Ace his.

When he didn't take it I tilted my head to the side a little. "Here."

"For me?" he said, almost in a whisper.

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