Chapter 2 Too Much

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Hey guys!!! Okay I've made up a schedule, Sundays and Wednesdays are for this story, Tuesdays and Thursdays are for my St. Eloise home of the gifted story, Friday is my betrayed story and Saturday is random order so it might be this one or it might be this one and another one! :) Okay anyways, I hope you like this one!!


Chapter 2 Too Much


"Is there a problem here?" asked a tall, slim lady that I presumed was the principle. Thank god, someone who would make sense. "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt my highness, forgive me for my intrusion." WTF?!?! So it is true then, I'm a witch and not just any witch, a princess. Well, ain't this just the icing on top of a wonderful day?'

End of Flashback

"Okay you guys have to answer some questions before I'm going anywhere, okay?" I said while making myself comfortable in the grass.

"Of course my highness," said Jacklynn, aka the "principal" of the school. I mentally flinched at the word "highness". "Would you like a chair to sit on instead of the ground?"

"No this is fine," I said while signaling that they should join me. Anneliese skipped over to me and sat gracefully down to my right. Nicolai looked just a tad bit more hesitant while he took a seat to my left and Jacklynn sat in front of me. "Okay, first question, are all the students witches or warlocks?"

"Not all of them are, some are genies or nymphs or other magical creatures," said Jacklynn. Nymphs? Genies? Wow, I feel like I've stepped into a cheesy Disney movie.

"Okay then. What are you?"

"I'm a witch," said Jacklynn.

"So am I!" piped Anneliese.

"I'm just your average day warlock," said Nicolai.

"Okay next question, are my parents magical and do they know what this school really is?"

"No, it's actually quite strange. Your parents don't have an ounce of magic in them and no, they don't know that this is a magical school. Can you imagine how they would act?" Jacklynn said with a little smile.

"Wait a second. If they don't have magic in them, and I'm a, um, witch," it was still hard to believe that I was a witch, "then are you telling me that I'm adopted? And you said that my mother sent me here, how's that possible if she doesn't know?"

"You're birth mother enrolled you here before she, err, disappeared and your other mom just couldn't resist such an outstanding school I suppose. And I'm sorry, but that's what it's looking like," said Jacklynn.

I got up so quickly Anneliese jumped. "This, this is just too much. I can't take it!" I throw my hands out to show them what I meant, the school, the students, the whole Earth to tell you the truth. And so I did what any reasonable teenager would do; I ran. I didn't even know where I was running I just wanted to be away from there. How could this happen to me? I did nothing wrong, God! Why punish me? As if by answering me I tripped and hit my head hard against a marble fountain. The world turn fuzzy before my eyes, my head felt like it was on fire. Then, everything started to slowly dim as I passed to unconsciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I felt normal. I looked around thinking I would see a nurse's office but instead I found myself in a giant wheat field. 'How did I get here?' I thought I said it in my head but it sounded out loud. All of a suddenly I heard a giggle from the right and saw a flash of red fabric.

"Hello?" I called out. Again I heard a giggle and saw the flash of red fabric. I ran towards the spot the little girl was just in.

"Over here!" taunted a little girl from behind me. She ran towards a large oak tree.

"Hey, stop! Where am I?" I yelled as I ran to the tree.

"You're in the Other World," said a musical voice next to me.

"Oh my God, you scared the crap out of me!" I said while scrambling backwards.

"I'm sorry to frighten you," said the woman.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"I'm your mother, and you're here to learn about your past," said the woman moving slowly towards me.

"That's impossible, my mother is at a CEO meeting right now," I said while standing up. The woman did look awfully familiar. She had dark red hair, sort of like mine, and she had my startling blue eyes, like sapphire, yet brighter.

The woman smiled a kind smile, "I'm your biological mother, Nadia. Please, take my hand and I'll explain."

"I'm not taking your hand and you're going to explain right now!" Okay, okay, I know I should be nicer but right now, all I want to do is go to sleep.

"You're stubborn just like your father," said the woman.

"My father?" I asked. I couldn't help it, I've always wanted a real dad, sure the one I have is great, and that is if you can find him without his phone on him.

"If you just take my hand, you'll be able to see him," bribed the woman who I suppose really could be my mother.

"Fine," I said unsure of what's going to happen, "but no tricks, deal?"

"Deal!" And with that I reached out my hand to grasp my mother's for the first time.

Okay, how did you like that? Was it iffy? :) Well, I hope you guys keep on reading that's for sure!!! I hope you enjoyed it!


© Rachel Lynch aka live_laugh_love96

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2010 ⏰

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