boyf riends fluffy stuffy

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(A/N): I always see headcanons that's like one of them draws on the back of the other when they're stressed to calm them down so why not write my own

Jeremy sighed, throwing himself into Michael's arms. "Today sucked."

"Yeah? Tell me about it, I'm all ears baby," Michael mumbled into Jeremy's neck. "Whatever you need I can give it to you."

"I don't want to talk about it," Jeremy groaned. "Just..."

"Just what?" Michael asked.

Jeremy nuzzled into Michael's neck, incoherent mumbles escaping his mouth. He pressed soft kisses to Michael's neck as well, and Michael could feel his boyfriends eyelashes fluttering against his skin.

Michael guided Jeremy into a more comfortable position, where the taller boy was sitting in his lap, back facing towards Michael. The Filipino boy slid a hand under his shirt, just barely hoisting it up. "Jer, can I take this off?"

"Yeah, of course," Jeremy said quietly. Michael proceeded to pull off Jeremy's shirt, pressing kisses to his back, admiring the paleness of his skin, and the softness of his once dandruff filled hair. Sure, the squip had caused major damage to all of them, but at least it had blessed Jeremy with the best hair care routine, and the fluffiest curls.

Immediately Jeremy relaxed under the touch, his tense muscles giving in to his boyfriends attention. "You're a miracle worker Mikey," he muttered. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You without me?" Michael joked. "Imagine this disaster without you!"

"Yeah," Jeremy replied, a smile tugging at his face. "You're an absolute dumbass."

Michael pressed another kiss to Jeremy's neck, this time relinquishing in the sensation, and pulling away slowly. "Exactly, now show me a smile, I know you wanna."

"Nooooo!" Jeremy whined. "You're not allowed to pull that you dork."

"I am not a dork I'll have you know! It's called a geek, you nerd," Michael retorted. "Now show me the smile."

"I'm not  a nerd you... you..."

"I've got you speechless," Michael smirked. "Now, relinquish your beautiful grin to me."

Jeremy gave in and smiled, turning his head to kiss Michael. "Did you know I hate you?"

"I don't believe it," Michael said with mock sadness, "you're supposed my best friend bro!"

"I'm sorry bro!" Jeremy responded, with just as much, or even more dramatic effect. "I just— we can be bros anymore."

"Then please be my brofriend!" Michael pleaded. "And stop taking drama classes you're getting better than me."

"Jealous much brofriend?" Jeremy asked, pulling away and laying down on Michael's makeshift bed. It really wasn't much, but since Michael spent so much time in his basement a gathering of blankets had slowly appeared in the corner, and eventually became where they cuddled and sat most of the time when they got high. 

Michael sat next to him, starting to draw shapes across Jeremy's bare back. "Only jealous of how good you look."

"Then go look in the mirror."

The two fell into a comfortable silence, Michael continuing to trace invisible patterns across Jeremy's back. Every so often Jeremy would let out a content sigh, making Michael smile. Just being there in that moment with his boyfriend was surreal. How'd he manage to start dating his best friend of twelve years and have a fairly steady relationship? Despite being an aetheist with a Jewish boyfriend he decided there must be something out there that'd blessed him with such luck.

"You should be an artist," Jeremy commented.

"Why is that?" Michael asked.

"Whatever you're drawing on my back is really cool."

Michael snorted with laughter. "Jeremy I've literally been tracing dicks on your back!"

Jeremy propped himself up on his arms. "Oh fuck off, you're kidding."

"I'm not joking, and fuck you."

"Fuck me?"

"Yeah maybe later."

"It's a date then."

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