I waited patiently for her to call . I was tempted to check on her but I couldn't risk being seen unprofessional and eager. Lesson five, never show a woman you are in a hurry to get her. Always give them time to think if they want to talk to you again or not. Retain a certain level of mystery. It will always make them interested. I waited patiently for Alex's wife to call. I knew she would call but I didn't know when that will be. I went about my work with an anxious mood. I needed her to call as soon as possible. I checked my phone every second. Every call I received ,I happily thought it was hers. She was taking too long. Being a Friday, I went home earlier. It's been two days since I met her. She was supposed to call sooner. Didn't she make the connection? Or maybe she lost my card? The failure of this plan will mean I will go back to square one. I would have lost my only chance to settle my score. I sat helpless on the balcony at home. Thoughts of what one of my friends at work had said came crushing in my mind. He had suggested that I was lossing myself in something that will destroy me more than it will hurt Alex. He thought it would be best to forget about the past, find a nice woman and settle down. He quoted an old line that Revange Destroys The Avenger. Deep within me I had seen the sence in his words. I had considered giving his advice a shot, but the more I thought about it, the more I found out that I could not rest easy untill Alex remembered what he had done. Am all about teaching people lessons, and this backbiting, cold hearted, mean son of a bitch needed some lessons. How could I forget that he was my best friend and by sleeping with the woman he knew I was so much in love with, ment he was ready to accept what I may decide to give back. He had crossed a line . He had gone too far. There was no turning back. He may not even know what he did to me untill that moment the same cruel thing is done to him in a more painful way. No matter how many sessions I attended at our psychologist, I was still too angry to move on. Besides I had done alot of planning to stop now. It was too late to stop myself.PART THIRTEEN
That evening when I was having dinner, my phone begun to ring, I told myself it couldn't be her, it was too late for a married woman to be making such calls. There are times when you can't call a married person and they can't call you too. It's universally accepted rules. Nobody made those rules. Your mind just tells you it's the wrong time. I let it ring for a while. The caller called a second time and I reluctantly received with a tired voice.
The unmistakable voice I am sure I heard some times ago came on the other side. The voice I had so waited for.
" Mr Mboya ?, is it a wrong time?" She said.
I sat up so abruptly I almost swallowed my tongue.
" Hello, not at all. How may I held you." I stammered internationally.
"It's the woman you spilled yogurt on" she said in a very dangerously playful mood.
I laughed very heartily.
"Yes I remember you, one cannot forget that voice. I trust you are fine?" I said.
At this point I apply the sixth lesson. Never talk too much. Let a woman take charge of the conversation. This way you will learn to identify what a woman wants without asking.
"Yes I am fine, thanks for asking, I have a question for you though, if you don't mind" she said what I had suspected.
"I don't. I hope I have an answer to your question, otherwise it will be very unpleasant to disappoint someone like you" I said.
" It a question in your field. My friend have been trying to get pregnant for quite a long time now without success. As it is now her marriage is on the verge of collapse if she doesn't conceive soo enough. I was hoping you would shed some light on the matter." She said. I noted with amusement the way she avoided saying that it was her problem not her friend's. A smart woman.
" Am sorry to hear about your friend. It's a matter very common this days. The most prudent way to deal with it will be to get checked. Both of them to determine who has a reproductive problem" I said assuming a very professional tone.
" The problem is that the husband have refused to get tested saying that he have no problem because a long time ago he had sired a child before they met, he insist that she is the problem" she said with a sympathetic tone. I knew Alex for a long time ago. He had never sired any child.
" Have she been checked? " I asked.
" She had checks in multiple hospital and they all came to the same conclusion. She was not the problem." She said.
"What is your question exactly" I was eager to cut the story short.
" Ok I wanted to how you can test the man without him being present" she said hopefully. This was not what I expected.
" What I only require is a sample of his spermatozoa and semen" I said.
"How can she get his sperms and semen without his permission?" She asked helplessly.
"That will be easy. She will need to have sex with her husband and I will extract the semen from her the following day" I said hoping she will bite the bait.
" That won't be a problem Mr Mboya" she said.
"I will need her to book appointment with my office for proper and due procedure." I told her.
She was silent for a long time. I thought I had said something wrong.
" Are you still there?" I continued.
After another couple of seconds she responded.
" Mr Mboya , I apologize for misleading you. I am that woman , it's my marriage" she paused for a while and continued.
" I will call you again"
Before I could respond she was gone. The line went dead.
I found it difficult to sleep that night with thoughts of her. Late into the night I might have fallen asleep. When I rose up in the morning, there was a missed call from Alex's wife. I was elated. I called her back. She picked on the first ring. There was a problem, she said. Her husband was leaving for China that afternoon. His services were required there. She wanted to know if I could wait till he returned. I asked the length of her husband's travel. She said it was around two months. Two months!! I could not wait for two months! Too long. I asked her if she could make her husband sleep with her before he leaves because I would be taking my vocation in one month. She reluctantly said she will do what she had to do. She better. My revange plan depended on her.PART FOURTEEN.
It was on a Saturday. I was so restlessly waiting for her to call. I felt very bad using her to revange against her husband. She was innocent. It would be very cruel to do that to her. But as much as I was very sympathetic to her, I knew it was the only way. She had to take a fall for something she knew nothing about. In the book 'Art of War', A good soldier must recognise when he have to sacrifice an innocent soul for a greater good. The theory of COLLATERAL DAMAGE .She will be collateral damage. That evening she called again and told me she had what I required. I told her I had to extract the discharge from her body. And being a weekend , I told her my office was closed. I told her the lab can only book specimen from the person himself and since I couldn't book her because it was not her specimen, I had to extract the discharge from her sexual organ at a place of her choice.
" My husband being away I could have you take the sample at my place" she said. I was hopeful she will be willing to come to my place.
"It's fine with me. Its just a very simple process. It will take less than ten minutes" I told her. My heart was beating so damn fast I thought it would fail.
It was settled. It was happening that evening. I couldn't believe what I had achieved! I arranged some test tubes and scoops, a white dust coat and a pair of latex gloves in a small brief case. I had researched on how to draw a sample from a woman's sexual organ. She will not be able to resist what I had in store for her. I believe I was the best sexual manipulater of our time. This have come from countless hours spent reading and practicing the seventh century books by the Egyptians and Greek on pleasures of the body. I was very eager to try my vast knowledge on the body of another man's wife. A man who once was my best friend. A man who betrayed me in a very cruel manner. I was ready.At around six in the evening, I received a text message with the address of her house. I begun to get ready. I was an inch to my revange. At exactly seven, I drove my car up her driveway. The gate was closed. I hooted once. The gate begun to open slowly. I swallowed hard and waited. I was by the gate of my sworn enemy!
Short StoryA man is hell bent on destroying his former best friend for sleeping with his girlfriend.