How It Began

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You practically slammed the door as you entered your home, shaking off your coat and hurriedly taking off your shoes. Ecstatic barks and whines greeted you, a large German shepherd, Satsuki, practically leaping onto you.

"Hey, girl."

A simple lick on your hand was her response. As you fed her, you turned on the TV to a random new channel.

A reporter frantically stating a hostage situation; the first ever murder of a human by an android.

Your eyes widened. An android? You could see him from a helicopter, holding a small child, threatening another man, a negotiator of some sort.

You commanded the TV to pause. As the screen stopped on a close up of the unfolding scene, your database detected something off about the man confronting the deviant android.

Model RK800.

CyberLife prototype.

Designed to assist police forces wi th cases involving deviating CyberLife products.

A new android? You gave the order for the TV to play. The scene skipped ahead, moving to the current unfolding scene.

All you see is the deviant and the prototype fall off the building before the broadcast cuts to black.

"What the fuck. What the fuck?" You jumped off your couch, startling your dog. She looked up at you and whined, worried about your outburst.

"I'm sorry..." an apologetic pat on the head and all is forgiven.

You turn back to the TV; the subject already changed to some bland overdone story about kittens. The TV, connected to your hard drive, turned itself off.

You took Satsuki for a walk, not long, and the entire time your thoughts stay focused on the events from earlier. Even before you shut down for the night - not necessary, though you found it easier convince others you had a sleep schedule - you still think about that poor kid and the two androids who plummeted to their death.

Your timed shut down of six hours "woke" you up at 6:30 am, giving you plenty of time to get dressed, look after your sweet girl, and prepare for work. You check the contents of your bag, making sure you had your keys, tablet, wallet, phone (you already had a phone in your hard drive, but owning a physical device didn't raise as many questions), and other small things you enjoyed; stimulants like putty, fidget cubes, etc.

You gave the German shepherd a light goodbye kiss on her forehead before putting on your shoes and heading out the door.

The first thing you noticed when you walked into work was the absence of the stench of alcohol. You sighed in relief, as much as you love Hank, you're not sure how much more you can take of his awful habits. Emptying some of the contents out of your bag and onto the desk. You organize your tablet and begin working.

Sometime later, you realize some of your other coworkers coming to and from the break room with cups of coffee. You had a silent debate to see if you should grab some for yourself. Quite frankly, you hated the stuff, the feeling of the bitter black liquid along the artificial receptors of your tongue. However, you argued internally, it does help integrate you amongst your coworkers, helping avoid suspicion.

Sighing in defeat, you drag your legs to the break room, smiling at Tina and giving a half-hearted wave as you reach for a mug and pour yourself a cup of sour coffee.

Footsteps interrupt your trance as you gaze into the pitcher emptying into the #1 Employee Mug. You turn around and are immediately met with large brown eyes staring into your soul.

"Hello, I'm Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I'm looking for a Lieutenant Anderson, have you seen him?"

Stepping back and grabbing your mug, attempting to put a bit of space between you, you get a better look at his face.


You make an audible gasp of surprise.

"You... you're that android. From last night."

He tilted his head in confusion. " I beg your pardon?"

You continue to gape at him.

"Oh." the realization hit him. "If you are referring to the hostage situation from last night, then yes, that was me. CyberLIfe has uploaded my consciousness into another android."

"I can see that." you winced internally. You didn't mean for it to come across as so blunt, but your shock took the better of you.

"Where is Lieutenant Anderson?" never mind. He's just as blunt as you were.

You calmed down from your initial shock, and when realizing who exactly the android was looking for, you let out a scoff.

"Beats me. If he's not here, you better check a bar."

"Thank you, Doctor (Y/N)." with that, he left.

You would have been startled if it weren't for the fact that you soon realized that of course, as a prototype designed to assist with police cases, he should have access to public records.

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