Chaper 3: seeing stars part 1

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'I am going to aren't i?'

I look at her. 'No! You are not going to die!' I yell. She looks out of the window, her arms still wrapped around my neck. 'Its a 10% chance, right?' I nod. 'So i won't survive'

'Wait don't say that! Don't think like that! You need to survive!' She opens her mouth but i continue. 'You need to survive for me. It sound selfish but i am selfish. I want you effie. I want you because i want to marry you. I will do anything you want at that wedding.' I pause. 'And maybe have kids with you.' I say a little bit slurred.

'Are you drunk Haymitch?' She asks.

'Emh... No....' I shove the bottle behind my back.

She rolls her eyes. 'Go and sleep, and i will forget what you said because i know you are not thinking like yourself'

'But i am!'

'No you are not'

'I am'






'Okay' i sigh.

She un-wraps her arms, and lays her head on my chest, pulls the blanket on top of both of us and pushes her cold feet onto my warm feet.

'Hey! Don't do that, thats horrific!' She laughs, 'the privileges of a woman' i frown. 'Do i really need to cope with that?!' She nods. 'O you will love this even more' she slides her freezing hand under my shirt and lets it rest on my chest. I shiver. 'Dont do that!'

'Sleep' she says.

'How do i need to sleep with 2 cold feet and 1 freezing hand on my skin?'

'They will warm up'

i sight.

'Sleep well'


I slowly wake up, its dark in the room. The only thing i can think of that i was drunk, had fallen in sleep, and didn't have nightmares. I want to pul Effie closer, but she is not besides me. I look around me, she is not here. The white room of the hospital is cold. Her shoes are gone. O god.

Where did she go? I step in my shoes, and walk down the hall way. Where would Effie go? A shoe shop?

I walk into the cafeteria and get some coffee. I walk to the window and take a sip. I look out of the window, its dark out side. I think its 3 o clock in the morning. There is a grass and flower field, in the back some trees. I try to imagine how it would be in the morning. But its freezing now, the little light there is now i could see the frozen drops on the gras. I don't want to know how cold it is out side.

Then i see her. Lying in the grass, twirling a flower in her hand. I run outside. Its really freezing, i immediately get the goose bumps. 'Ef! ef come inside! Its freezing! You will get a cold!' I say and stop besides her. Her lips are blue, and she is trembeling. 'Look' she points into the sky, 'the stars, i never had seen them' i smile. 'Come in side, its freezing'

Then she says something what i never expected.

'As a star burst throwing off many tiny sparkles

We make our entrance into this universe

Each seeking the doorway

Are we so different?

I don't think so

Coming from the same beginning

Returning to the same end

Together once more

Creating the most illuminating star in the heavens

Far beyond our comprehension.'

She smiles, only happiness is in her eyes. Her eyes twinkling as the stars, as a little child.

Innocent looking at the stars, not even thinking of the cancer. I always loved that about her, even that i know, this is not completely Effie. This is Effie in the world of magical medicine. She had gotten her medicine at 7, i was asleep. But she looks happier. Not so worried. But i know, somewhere deep inside, she knows exactly whats happening.

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