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'How is she?'

'Still unconscious Mr. Raizada'

Arnav Singh Raizada looked at the doctor in front of him anxiously 'Will she be okay?'

Doctor 'Maybe or maybe not Mr. Raizada, the state she was brought in could not be said anything. Physically by days she will get cured with medical help but mentally I can't say anything. At these situation victims have hard time to cope up when they faced something for which they are physically and mentally not prepared for.'

He looked at the girl through small round glass window from the door. His heart going out to her. How can someone be so cruel to hurt her? Her beauty not tainted by those bruises on her face....She is....*he searched for words*....Angel....yes, Angel....brutally crushed Angel.

Last night,

He was driving his car back home when someone crashed into his car all of a sudden, it happened in fraction of second and he never expected such encounter.

Fearing the person might have got hurt, he came out of his car to check on whoever it is. What the hell with people? Can't they be careful while crossing road?

He knelt down to look at the person; it is a girl, her back facing him. Turning her he looked at her to see small dent on her forehead which is bleeding, her cheeks having slap marks, clothes torn at places, he closed his eyes looking away. Checking her breath he covering her with his coat and carried her to his car. Thanking whoever is above in universe being called almighty for him not driving his car fast if that had to be then this girl would have lost her life for sure. But she is still serious looking at her condition.

His eyes travelling back and forth to her and the road, reaching to the nearby hospital he summoned the doctor urgently and she was taken to Emergency ward.

Doc coming out of the room with grim face addressed him 'It is police case'

Arnav 'What?'

Doc 'yes, she is being molested'

He looked at her wide eye, somewhere he guessed it looking at her condition but the doctor confirming him pierced his heart, he did not knew why he is feeling such a pain. Because he knows no girl deserves such treatment from any man to be forced against her wish.

Arnav 'that can wait, please treat her first'

Doc 'but....'

Arnav enraged 'I said treat her. If you did not recognize me then let me introduce you myself. I'm Arnav Singh Raizada and I can shut this hospital down if not done what asked to. Treating the patient is foremost duty and responsibility of yours. Just go and treat her. *calming down himself* I'll handle the matter. First she needs you not the police' Doctor realizing who he is and what he can do left inside the emergency room to treat the girl.

Taking out his phone from the pocket of his pant he called his home 'Nani I won't be coming tonight. Emergency situation' that is all he conveyed and cut the call.

Before he could he hear 'but Chotte Anjali bitiya....'


He is here from last night and now it has turned to morning but there is still no sign of her coming to conscious.

Checking his watch, he decided to first go home, freshen up, and later come here to check on the girl.

He went to the doctor's room and informed him leaving for home, and to call him if in emergency or the girl comes to conscious.

If doctor was surprised with his care and concern for that unknown girl then she did not show it on her face. She knew and had read about him, his heartless and arrogant rude nature but nothing prepared for what she is witnessing from last night when he came with that girl. He surely is not that bad; if he cares for unknown person then definitely he can no terms be heartless monster who only knows to hurt others even if it is his own family.

This is a five shot. I do hope you all will like it. Updates will be daily if there is good response.

Will be waiting for your reviews guys. So, Please vote and comment.

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