Part 2

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'Ready?' he asked her who is sitting anxiously beside him in the passenger seat of his car.

Khushi 'I..I'm scared'

Arnav 'don't be, I'm here for you'

He came out and walked over to her door, opening it, he held his hand for her to hold. She held his hand nervously and walked with him.

Khushi looked around the area, a little amazed but more scared. Khushi 'you live in this big house'

Arnav smiled little 'Yes, Kyun? Should I not?'

Khushi shaked her head in no......Arnav pressed the calling bell, Khushi held his hand tight 'What will your family say?'

Arnav 'Don't worry about them. Just be easy. Everything will be fine'

The door was opened by servant; Arnav nodding at him came inside with her 'HP is the guest room ready?'

HP 'ji bhaiya' HP looked at the new member with his curious eyes making Khushi more scared. Khushi moved closer to Arnav. Arnav 'Don't be scared he is harmless'

Arnav 'Where is Nani?'

HP 'she is in Vivaan baba's room'

Arnav grunted at that. He turned to Khushi 'Come let me take you to your room'

Khushi walked with him, he led her up the staircase and towards the left side of the corridor. Stopping at the door 'Come!!!' walking inside the spacious room, Arnav 'from now this is your room, and the room beside yours is mine'

Khushi could only nod at him. Arnav 'you take rest. I'll call you by lunch time. And yes feel yourself free, this is your home'

He smiled at her and walked towards the door. Her voice however stopped him 'Why are you helping me?'

He looked back at her, his eyes stopping at her eyes 'not you....I'm helping myself'

Khushi 'huh?' confused by his answer she looked at him for explanation but he only gave her a smile in return.

Khushi woke up by child's crying voice. After Arnav had left her in the room she had slept feeling tired to give rest to her mind and body and now a child's voice coming from nearby her room woke her up from her slumber.

She came out of the room unsure of her surrounding following the child's voice. Stopping at the door left open ajar she peeped inside to see an old lady trying to console the crying child.

Feeling the pull towards the child she walked towards him surprising the old lady she took him in his arms cooing at him to make His cry stop.

Khushi 'shhhh baby don't cry darling....ache bacche nahiin rote....shhh shona....Why is the little Angel crying?' the child looked at her, now curious to see himself in the arms of new person.

The old lady stood up seeing the unknown girl 'Who are you?'

Khushi stopped speaking to the baby and looked at the elder lady stuttering 'Voh....voh.....'

'Khushi!!!, she is Khushi. I told you about her Nani'....both of them turned towards the voice. Arnav is standing near the door looking at them.

Nani's surprised face changed to understanding and turned hard; she took the baby from her who started crying once again 'Stay away from my child'

Khushi bewildered looked at her.....her heart weeping at the baby crying profusely. Khushi 'but.....'

Nani 'I said stay away from him....I don't want your shadow to fall on him' Khushi looked at her wide eye; Nani's eye showed her the disgust. Stepping back from Nani and the child Khushi rushed out with tears in her eyes towards her room not even stopping at Arnav's call.

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