Part 1

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He did not know why he is here? He did not know why he is concerned for her? He did not know why he is waiting for her to open her eyes? He did not know why his heart is thudding painfully looking at her condition? He did not know why he wishes her to open her eyes and look at him? He did not know what is happening to him? He did not know when his heart came alive? He did not know even if he had any heart inside, for all he thought it as an organ carved in stone (according to him) which pumps blood all through the body.

Sitting beside her he felt the need to speak to her, to tell her what he feels 'I don't know what is happening to me? I don't know why I'm unable to see you like this? I don't know why I'm caring for unknown girl when I never cared for myself or my family? I know we are no one to each other but somewhere I feel something is there which is connecting me to you not wanting to go away from you, leaving you alone. I don't like seeing you like this. Just open your eyes, it had been more than 24 hrs and you are still not responding. I promise, you will not be alone and I'll be there with you. You don't have to be scared, I'm here with you for you, just open your eyes.'

He came inside the room rushing hearing her scream. He had just went out to have coffee and coming near to the room when he heard the scream coming from inside the room where she is admitted.

Scream...A blood curling SCREAM....he ran inside to see the nurse is trying to control her but she is not stopping.

He ran beside her 'Hey!!!'

She thrashed whatever she could get her hand on to not caring for the piercing needles of the drip hurting her hand.......

He held her arms, bringing her close to him, crooning in her ears blocking her from moving further and hurt herself some more 'shhhh....shhhh....I got you.....shhh I'm here....nothing is going to happen to you....shhh'

She stopped, the soft caring voice of his stopped her from shouting....the cocoon of arms in which she is feeling safe and protected. Raising her eyes she looked into the molten chocolate of his concerned assuring eyes and in second she closed her own sleeping into slumber, like she believed she trusted him not let anyone hurt her further more than already been done. Arnav on the other hand read her eyes revealing fear, vulnerability, hopelessness, lastly believing in him before she closed her eyes. He don't know what she read in his eyes but he hoped whatever it is, it should be able to assure her of there being someone to support her.

Doctor 'I've sedated her. She will come to conscious hours later.'

Laying her on the bed carefully he nodded at the doctor. Doctor 'She will need the help of psychiatrist. The cruelty she faced is not easy for her or any other girl.'

Arnav 'Do everything for she needs to get back from the gory incident'

Doctor 'She cannot forget the incident Mr. Raizada but with the help of doctor and her family member's love and support she can move on looking past it as nightmare. Only if she gets the full support' saying to him she left for her cabin to have talk with psychiatrist available in their hospital who can be best suitable for the girl's case.

Four days later,

'Hey!!!' he came inside the room wishing her. This is the routine case, he drops by morning and evening to see her and he don't know the reason of why he is doing this when his work is over after saving her and admitting in hospital. Now, she is hospital and her family member's responsibility but then why he is never able to stop himself from coming and meeting her? He had no answer to his question.

As usual he got silence from her, sitting on the stool beside her bed 'doctor said you can be discharged and go to home'

She looked away; he knew she is crying silently. He held her hands and instantly realized her stiffening with his touch but he did not show it 'I know what you are feeling, but are you really going to let the one incident take away the chance from you of the rights to live your life.'

Angry eyes looked at him 'What is left there to live for?' he looked at her surprised to see her answering him.

She broke down 'there is nothing left, everything I held close has been snatched brutally away from me. I don't wish to live anymore.'

'Khushi!!!' his tone held the warning.

Wiping her tears 'only because someone has tainted your body does not mean your soul is impure. One can destroy the body but not the pure heart and soul. You are as pure as new infant baby'

Her hazel eyes looked at his honest ones, Khushi 'What are you? And why are you doing all this? You don't know me. Why are you helping me? Why? When my own family threw me out of their life'

Arnav 'Because truly said I don't know. I helped you for humanity which I would have done to anyone. But then I should have left like that, my play here is till admitting you to hospital or to till informing your family. But then I don't know why I come to meet you daily. I don't know what is with you that I'm here. I don't know or maybe I don't want to know, at least for now. Something is there which keeps me bringing here, for you.'

Khushi 'I...I don't understand'

Arnav smiling softly 'you don't need to. I myself am confused. Just remember it I'm your friend and will not mean any harm towards you. You can trust me. And coming to your family they are fools, sorry for that, but yes scarred fools to throw you out of their life when there is no fault of yours. '

Khushi 'I lost my trust on everyone'

Arnav tilting his head 'Is it?'

She closed her eyes, if truth she has to admit then it is that she feels protected and safe with him. She trusts him even after what happened with her. Why? She has no answer. What is in his eyes which always make her believe him? When doctor has introduced her to him, the person who saved her she was numb to see the warm molten eyes looking at her, promising her to be with her always. But why would an unknown person be there for her. There he proved it wrong, standing with her even when her own parents and sister shun her away from their life as if she is dirty pest. But he....he is even after her indifference to him does not stopping to reach out for her. Why? She has no answer. What is the unknown connection between them?

Khushi murmured 'I don't know why I trust you'

Arnav sighed 'maybe because your heart knows I can never harm you'

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