Chapter 12

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I laid in bed after my big night out, embarrassed after accusing Peyton of stalking me when he was clearly not. I knew he was not my stalker when I started getting more texts from the unknown number with even more creepy information about me than before. I left the club pretty soon after making some excuse. Peyton offered to go with me back home to make sure I got home safely, but I had declined.

I was freaked out about the messages and especially after the last threatening one. Some of the messages were photos of me in different places and others were weird declarations of love. After the first picture message at the club I responded and we went back and forth until I fell asleep from exhaustion around 3:30am.

Leilani: Were you following me?

Unknown: I'm always watching out for you.

Leilani: Watching out?

Unknown: I'm just making sure no one takes advantage of you.

Leilani: You are the one who scares me the most.

Unknown: You don't need to be afraid, I'm your protector.

Leilani: I don't feel very protected. Your note on my car scared me.

Unknown: I was just letting you know I'm here for you babe.

Leilani: Please stop, I don't need you.

Unknown: This isn't up for debate.

Leilani: If you don't leave me alone I'll go to the police.

Unknown: And tell them what?

Leilani: That you're stalking me.

Unknown: You go right ahead then babe, I'm sure they'll be a lot of help.

Leilani: I'll do it.

Unknown: Go ahead, but if you do, your precious Kiara may end up in a ditch somewhere.

Leilani: Is that a threat?

Unknown: No sweetheart, that's a promise.

I was thankful to not have work again as I woke up Thursday morning with the biggest headache. I took a long, hot shower and that helped a bit. As I made myself breakfast I heard my phone vibrate. I was waiting for a text message from Kiara who was coming over for date night.

Unknown: Did you leave your curtains open just for me last night?

I felt my body run cold as I looked at the curtains over my bed open a few inches. Behind there was the fire escape where anyone could have gotten up to to look at me.

Unknown: I left you a gift on your fire escape.

I turned off the burner and walked slowly towards my window. I could see something blowing out there through the gap in the curtains. I peeked out and saw some ribbon tied just under the window. I looked around before opening the window and seeing a bouquet of flowers tied to the railing. I reached out and brought them inside before closing and securing the window. I also pulled the curtains closed and made sure there was no opening.

Unknown: Do you like them?

Leilani: Why are you doing this?

Unknown: You and I are meant to be.

Leilani: I don't even know who you are.

Unknown: I know you do and I know you want this.

Leilani: You're wrong.

Unknown: Haven't you always dreamed of being with your true soulmate? I'm going to make that dream come true.

Leilani: Please leave me alone.

Unknown: I can't, you are my destiny.

I put my phone down in frustration and texted Mallory to see what she was doing. I needed someone to rant to, but Kiara was at work most of the day. She didn't answer and I tried to think of things to do to distract myself. I thought about prerecording a video to post later, but I was too ancy and couldn't sit still.

Unknown: I'll be there to collect you soon.  

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