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The last of the people from the party were leaving finally.
Perrie, Ben, Lucy, Rami, Gwilym and Joe sat in the Taylor family living room.

Her parents and siblings had gone up to bed while they had offered to clean up.

"I can't believe it's going to be 2018 in like a week," exclaimed Joe "this year has been the craziest,"

"Definitely, it's been a mad year," spoke Ben.

"It's about to get a whole lot crazier," smiled Perrie

"Why?" Asked Lucy clearly confuses just like everyone else in the room.

"Majesty is....uh.." she stuttered
"Are you breaking up?" Asked Rami "Oh please don't I , i means we love you guys,"

"We are announcing our fifth album next year!," she squealed "I'm so excited for it I could cry," she said, placing her hand on her forward and exaggerated falling.

"Perrie that's amazing," smiled Lucy pulling her in and squeezing her in a hug.
Everyone hugged and congratulated her and was quickly followed by good nights.

Ben and Perrie prepared for bed. She was so happy to finally be spending alone time with him.

She collapsed onto her bed, Ben doing the same.
"Fucking hell I'm tired," grumbled Ben
"Me too," getting under the covers the two cuddled closer "I love you Ben," she smiled.

"I love you too, I'm so proud gorgeous, goodnight,"

"Goodnight," she whispered before falling asleep.

"Goodnight," she whispered before falling asleep

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