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16th July 2018

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16th July 2018

2 months had gone by since Perrie had last seen Ben. He had gone abroad to film six underground.

Standing in the blazing hot sun in her parents garden surrounded by their family and friends she still felt alone.
Her bandmates, Jesy, Jade and Leigh- Anne were all away on their holidays with their boyfriends.

Lucky them, she couldn't blame Ben for this, he loved acting, it was also his job just like touring was hers.

"Darling you look awfully bored," said Celeste appearing behind her.

"I just miss Ben that's all," she muttered

Taking a seat next to her, Celeste wrapped her arm around her youngest daughter, "don't worry darling, he'll be back before you know it," she laughed "then you can spend the rest of your days with each other,"

Perrie smiled, "Thanks mumzy,"

"Come on let's go greet Brian and Anita,"

The two Taylor's made their way over to Roger and Brian,"

"Hi Uncle Brian," she smiled hugging the curly haired man

"Perrie how are you hun? You look very glum,"

"Ha that rhymed," laughed Roger

"Rog," said Celeste elbowing her husband

Perrie laughed at her fathers idiotic behaviour, "I'm fine Brian just missing Ben and everyone else I suppose," twirling her straw around in her glass she looked dumbfound as Brian spoke.

"It's a good thing they are here isn't it?"

The wooden garden gate clicked open, allowing her favourite people, apart from the band, walked into the garden.

Lucy, Rami, Joe and Gwil with big smiles plastered on their faces came running up to the blonde.

One by one Perrie collapsed into their arms.
"I've missed you guys so much you wouldn't imagine!"

"Oh darling we've missed you too," spoke Rami in his Freddie Voice

"We have," smiled Brian, doing his Brian voice

"Definitely," spoke Joe doing his adorable John voice

"Oh I've missed hearing that," laughed both Lucy and Perrie.

The garden gate clicked open once more but nobody walked in, the anticipated killed Perrie and she watched the gate hoping it was him.

She couldn't help her self she peered round the gate and he was there.

His blonde locks draped slightly over his head and his green eyes light up with joy.

"Perrie," he smiled sweeping her up into his arms, he legs wrapped around his waist.

Tears fell down her face as she looked at the love of her life.
"How come your here?"
"I've got a massive break until November 10th and I'm spending every moment with you," he smiled

Pressing kisses all around his face, Perrie was ecstatic.

"I love you Ben"

"I love you too gorgeous,"

"I love you too gorgeous,"

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