New Beginings <3

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A/N ~ Hello My lovlies! School started and Its not as bad as I thought it would be. Anywho, This is the final chappie befor the Epilouge :( But I have an idea For a second forever one book :D And I'm super happy cause..I'm Getting a new cat!! I'll put pics of it on the side, Were going monday to look at it, We want to call it Karma. And Courtney..HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! :D And Summer, Hannah, If your reading, UPDATE!! Love ya! <3~Jenna Grayce

Jenna's P.O.V

"Goodbye Love, I'll see you soon." Louis kissed my lips.

"Love you louis." I waved while I walked in the door, I was The last one Home. Suddenly every one Tackled me.

"Jenna Oh My Lanta Guess what happened!" Hannah Pinned me Down, "We Are all Engaged!"

"OMG ME TOO!" I Laughed, "Niall Proposed Courtney?!"

"Heres the Proof!" Courtney Flung her Hand At me. Hannah did the Same, The rings were not cheap I can Tell you that.

"Well look!" I shoved my Hand in Hannah's Face, "This is Amazayn!" I looked over At tia, Looking a little Upset.

"Whats Wrong Love?" I mocked Louis accent.

"Nothing, Its just Liam and I are planning to get engaged its just he hasn't Proposed yet,"

"Don't Worry, He's probably Picking the best time." I patted tias Back, "Sounds like somthing he would do."

Tia smiled, and we all broke out it hugs and laughing. Life couldn't be More perfect then this. Louis said the wedding could be anyway I want it to be, and money is no objet, But After all thats happened, I want a close to normal wedding. With some big stuff in it. And Hannah and I are going to do the Father Daughter Dance with her dad, Cause he Is my Father now, For my birthday, They adopted me, So I have a Family, A real one, Although I have A real mother but, There gone and My mom would of wanted this. So Hannah's my sister now.

I don't Care what Happens To us, Even if our Careers End, I will always love Louis.

"Ok, Lets make a promise, That no matter what happens, We will stick together, Through thick and thin, in sickness and in heath," Courtney smiled

"Courtney, were not getting married." Hannah laughed. "But I agree, Lets write this down sign it and save it for proof!" We used to do this all the times for things like staying up all night or no fighting at partys. Tia Grabed a paper and wrote down everything and we all signed it.

"There, Now its not complete yet," I put my hand in, "On Three,"

"One," Hannah smiled/

"Two." Summer winked.

"Three," I finnished.


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