Study Buddies

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A week had passed. The boys felt officially in their junior year, as work piled on. They had a test coming up. The two were unprepared. " This test counts for 20% of your test grades this quarter."Mr. Hale announced.

Everyone's eyes open wide in disbelief. The teacher smirked,"So judging by your expressions - no one has studied."

Class let out. The day passed slowly, yet surely they made it to the bus.

"Hey guess what? I want to show you something..." Keith said. He dug his hand deep into his jeans pocket.

" Woah man- not here!" Lance freaked.

Keith's face dropped. "It's my temporary licence dude- not my dick."

Lance looked disappointed before asking if he could see the card. "So when does your official card arrive?"

"Two weeks- but I'm legal to drive." He put it back in his pocket. "Parents are getting my Dad's old car inspected. I lied on my form for how many hours I practiced, but at least I can drive now."

Lance mentioned that that sounded like daunting foreshadowing. He was excited nonetheless- now they could have more time together!

"Anyways," Keith started. "About that test... you wanna study tonight?" He asked.

Lance looked content with the idea. "Yeah, sure thing." Keith nodded and they got on the bus and took their normal seats in the back. "I gotta walk the neighbor's dog, so can I stop by around 5?" He asked.

"Sure thing. You might as well come and have dinner with us."

Keith smiled. "Christ- it's almost like when we were partners for that Science Fair project."

"At least we don't hate each other now." Lance reasoned. 


When 5'o clock came around, Lance was watching out his bedroom window. It wasn't, however, until 5:15 that Keith made it. He came in through the kitchen door, like he did when they were kids.

Mr. and Mrs. McClain welcomed Keith and Lance basically tripped down the stairs. He tried to collect himself, posing awkwardly.

"Cool. You're here." He said, bluntly.

Keith raised his eyebrows and looked at Lance. "Yeah, remember the whole 'we should study' conversation?"

"Yeah- yep." Lance swallowed. "Cool."


Dinner was lasagna and green beans. When they finished, they went upstairs where Lance's room was. It was time to study.

"So this test should be mostly review from 7th grade Bio." Keith stated. "I can't find my notebook. Do you still have yours?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure." Lance said. "Somewhere..."

The searched every inch of the room and all of the shelves. Nothing. Keith looked at the closet. "What about in here?" He asked opening the door.

"Wait!" Lance shouted, but everything he had crammed in spilled out like a wave.

"Wow." Keith laughed. He reached forwards and grabbed something from the pile. Right on top was the Biology notebook. He opened his backpack he had brought over and Lance helped him connect his laptop to the WiFi.

"Okay- the review for our Bio class is online, but we should start with the seventh-grade review because I don't remember the basics." Keith reasoned.

"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Lance said out loud.

Keith raised an eyebrow. "What?" He shook his head. "C'mon Lancey-Pants, everyone knows that. That and cells are the building blocks of life."

"Fuck Keith- we could have written this test- we know everything." Lance joked.

"Let's get back to work." Keith said.

"Sure." Lance agreed.

The two were making study guides on index cards (they were allowed a single index card for notes on the test), and writing down everything they re-learned.

Lance scrolled on his laptop before closing the wiki page on the phospolipid bilayer and YouTube popped up in his old tabs. He was in the middle of watching a throwback vine compilation. Keith looked over. They had almost two hours in... well, more like 70 minutes... they were a little... distracted.

The boys were stretched out on Lance's bedroom floor. Lance propped his head up on his hand. "Okay- so... What if- just hear me out- we say 'fuck it' to this test, fail, make up for it and watch vines instead?"

Keith looked up from his notes and shoved them to the side. "Hell yeah."

After 15 minutes of "Fre Sha Vocado, What the Fuck Richard, and I-want-a-church-girl-to-go-to-church-andreadherbible..." The video ended and Lance shut his laptop.

"RIP Vines." He said, sitting up. Keith sat up, too. He looked at Keith. "I don't think I've reminded you- out loud- how much I love you." Lance said.

Keith looked at him. "Well maybe you can remind me... physically."

Keith leaned in for a kiss and heard the doorbell ring. He pulled back, expressionless. "It's my mom." He said flatly.

"Yeah, they birth you once and then cockblock you for the next 16 years of life." Lance replied, frowning as Keith packed up. Before he left, Lance grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him into a kiss. He whispered to Keith, "Maybe was can get together and study a little... less... next time." His face was burning, it was cute.

"Yeah- or maybe we could just fuck." Keith replied.

Lance's eye's widened. "Yeah that's what I meant, but-"

"Ha! Beat you to it!" Keith laughed.

And so Lance was left in his room, horny and alone... fuck.

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