1. [ Doctor Malek ]

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Doctor Malek has been your doctor for years now

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Doctor Malek has been your doctor for years now. You were in the hospital with an eating disorder. You didn't mean for it to happen at all, you just weren't hungry because your mom and dad were fighting a lot and you started skipping too many meals. You got used to the hunger somehow.

When you got underweight you decided to tell your mom about the fact that you haven't been eating well.

She was shocked and you got hospitalized immediately where you were diagnosed with anorexia.

You got a doctor. Doctor Rami Malek. You liked him already from the first day you guys met. He was an intern when you first met. Now you were his actual patient.

It took years for you guys to get to know each other. 3 to exact. Day in, day out you guys talked to each other and learned something new everyday. Whenever he was free he'd go to your room to check up on you. He would sometimes even eat with you, he would be worried about you if you guys wouldn't have in a while. He'd bring you food, exactly everything you wanted the way you wanted it.

You'd be lying to yourself if you'd say you didn't like him. Even in the slightest way.

You have been eating very well recently, and you're ready to be free in the whole wide world. You were getting undiagnosed from your disease, and all you could think about was that it would mean you would have to let Rami go.

You were just his patient all along, and there was no chemistry. Right? It would never be something.

'Hey, hello, y/n. How are we today?' he asked and opened the window curtains. 'Pretty well, thanks' you answered. You looked at how he handled things in this room, as if you couldn't do it yourself. He looked down at his papers and looked back at your sad frowning face. 'You're getting out of here?' he asked. His voice had this undertone that was filled with happiness. 'Well yes' you answered anxiously. You heard his happiness, and that was all you could focus on. 'Oh, well, you were an amazing patient' he said and sat down next to you on your hospital bed. 'You can go ahead, empty your pockets and we'll see your final weight' he said.

He was excited to see it. To see what you have worked in for all those years. You stood up and did as he asked. 'Now, feel free to stand right here' he said pointing at the scale next to him. You smiled and set foot on it.

He stood up and looked at you. He moved your arms away from the bedside you were leaning on and he wrote down the final numbers.

'Now you're not my patient anymore' he said with a soft smile and wrote down what he saw. 'You're smiling like- like it's a good thing' you said with a sarcastic smile on your face. 'No, I meant, now you're not my patient anymore. Let's go out sometime' he said. Before you could speak he smiled and put down his papers.

'What?' you asked. 'Your final weight' he answered.

'What is it?'

'You did it' Rami said and looked up at your face. Your stomach was pumping. 'Let's go out indeed' you said. He smirked and looked back at his paper. 'Okay. Yeah, sure' he said. You stared at him, being awkward while he walked away slowly.

He was your doctor a second ago. What just happened??

You were going to pack your things to go back to your apartment from the hospital and as you walked out Rami put his hand on your shoulder.

'When would you like to-'


'Tomorrow I have surgery during the day- but I am free at night' Rami answered and your heart started beating faster. Night?

'I mean around 7 or 8, so I could just come over and we could watch a movie- if you would want to' he said staring at your last unbuttoned button from your blouse. He was kind of distracted. You noticed it. He looked back up to your face and smiled bright as he saw you smiling. 'Alright, I'll see you coming then' you said.

'Can I also have your number?' he asked. 'Well obviously' you answered and gave him your phone. He tapped his number in and you texted him straight away. He smiled at you and gripped your shoulder softly. You didn't know whether this was a doctor thing to do, or whether he did it because he genuinely liked you. You just smiled and walked out of the hospital.

You pulled out your phone to see if you had any messenges from your mom, and you had. You got a text message saying that your mom was in the parking lot in row 3 parking number 6. You walked all the way to your mom's car and she was so glad to see you gained weight.

'Thanks' was the first thing you said as you sat down. 'No, thank you' your mom said and kissed you on your cheek (if you prefer your mom didn't, this is not necessary). Your mom started the car and brought you to your apartment where your whole family and all your friends were waiting for you. They were all proud about how you gained weight. 'Oh my god' you said and put your hands in front of your mouth. 'I'm so glad to see you again!' your best friend said as she hugged you tight. You smiled bright as she hugged you. 'You gained some weight' she said and let go. 'I did' you answered awkwardly. 'I'm going to get dressed up, I'll be right back' you said. Your friend nodded yes and walked back to your whole friend group.

You walked all the way up to your room where you checked your phone. Rami texted you a few times.


"I'm Rami Malek"

"I'm so excited for tomorrow night 😘"


You smiled reading this.

You simply replied with "So am I :))"

You got dressed up and walked back downstairs, where everyone was waiting for you.

- the next day
All dressed up, in a clean apartment, you were waiting for Rami to knock on your door.

You guys had been texting all night, but it was a question whether he was going to show up or not. Whether he would be tired of you or not.

Around half past 8, the doorbell rang. Filled with excitement you walked towards it and opened it, it was Rami.

He was overwhelmed by the beauty that was standing in front of him. You were overwhelmed by the fact that he wasn't wearing his doctor uniform. He was wearing a black/white striped sweater and sunglasses were resting on his head. 'Hey' he said. 'Hey' you replied filled with happiness. 'You look stunning' Rami said. You stepped aside so he could walk in. 'Thank you' you said. He held your hand and kissed your cheek. 'You can come in' you said with a huge smile.

He walked in and put his black jacket on a chair, as he usually did. 'Would you like to drink something' you asked. 'Yeah- water is alright' he answered. He was standing in the middle of your room being awkward. 'Sit down! Look at the movie choices I have' you said as you poured two glasses of water. 'I vote for this one' Rami said as you walked towards him. 'I love that movie so much' you said. He smiled. 'So do I' he answered. You smiled bright and put the disk in the tv.

As the movie started things were awkward at first, but you got really talkative about every character and even defensive about some villains.

When the movie ended, he was about to go home. He looked at you. 'We should do this again soon' he said.

'Tell me, are you actually interested in us being something or are you just going to miss me because you've been my doctor for so long? Would you want us to be so-'

As you said that he came closer and rested his hands in your neck. You got intimidated as he did that and got quiet.

'Can I kiss you' he asked.

'Yes' you answered and before you knew it his soft lips touched yours. They tasted sweet, like candy. You guys passionately continued making out with each other.

'I should go' Rami said and let go a little. His warm breath hang around your lips. 'Alright' you said. He kissed you two more times.

'I'll see you soon' he said. You smiled bright and bot your lip as he walked out. You closed the door and jumped in the air like an idiot. Yes! Your crush wants to date you for a difference!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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