Chapter Two: Meeting Grimm part 2

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Here's Chapter two

Sorry it took a while.


Last Time:

"Everybody I will like you to meet my daughter Grimm and your sister kid"

" Daughter!!!" everyone yelled in unison.


~~Grimm's Pov~~

Wow seems like everyone was shock. Well except for kid, he looked like he was gonna explode cause his face is so red. " father. why haven't you told me about this!" kid sneered while pointing at me. " well you see kid your mother decided to keep her with her so you could stay with me and now I decided to let Grimm to come here cause she's powerful than all of you" my father said calmly. it's kinda weird that my father speaks calmly but sometimes he might give you the reaper chop if you annoy him a lot.

" How powerful is she lord death" a girl with piggy tails ask " well why don't we let her explain Maka" so that's her name. Hmm I'm guessing spirit is her father and a death scythe as well. I cut myself from my thoughts as everyone stares at me for an answer " well if you guys want to know how I'm powerful. let's see you guys collect ninety nine kishin souls and one witch soul, I have been collecting over a thousand kishin souls but no witch souls" I explained as everyone's mouth dropped.

" This is pathetic" and with that comment kid stomped out of the room. what's his problem. " we'll go see what's wrong with kid sir" then two girls walk out after kid, I'm guessing those are kids weapons. sheesh kid you should stop with symmetrical stuff cause it is driving me crazy. " so you collect so many kishin souls big deal. but you can't beat Me 'Black Star' Yahoo" A boy with blue hair said in front of me " wow an assassin that doesn't care about anything except yourself which I don't care at all so please stay out of my way or you'll be sorry" he just stared at me for a second then backed away. I'm gonna love this school

--- Kids Pov---

How dare he tell me about...her, I thought it wasn't true I didn't believe his words but now it feels like another lie as been told to me

- flashback ( three years ago) -

"Kid there's something I have to tell you" "what is it father" I asked him " how can I say this" he paused for a moment " kid, you have a sister and her name is Grimm" I process what he said and started to laugh " yeah right like I have a sister who doesn't 'exist' now will you excuse me I have a painting to fix that is not supposed to be crooked" I left the room without hearing my father saying "but it's true"

- flashback over -

" Kid wait up" I turn around to see Liz and patty run up to me " what was that about. we didn't know you have a sister, how come you never told us?" Liz asked with an raised eyebrow " I did but didn't believe my fathers words and now here she is looking unsymmetrical and being all 'I'm better than you' attitude" they look at each other the back at me " but she didn't look like having an attitude and besides she looks pretty cool" patty says as she is on her tippy toes.

I took out a long breath that I didn't know I was holding " well patty I don't care if she's cool or not. I'm never going to a good brother to her" " then what are you going to be to her" I had a devilish smirk on my fave.

" I'm gonna make her life hell in this school. she's not gonna know what hit her" they both look at each other nervously. I turned around and walked out of the school already planning what I'm going to do.


Here's chapter two everybody, I hope you love it



Love yeah

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