Chapter 1

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Hello all, Lore here! Well, this is my first fanfic of the of Ducktales fandom. I must say I really do love the series and trying to get everyone around me hooked on it. My favorite character is of course Webby. I'm not new to writing fanfics but due to a lot of problems going on in my life I haven't been able to write in a long time. But after watching Ducktales this story just seemed to flow out of me. I'll try to update this weekly. I hope you all enjoy this! 

"We did it!" Louie jumped up in the air and dove into the money bin swimming around with the others as they celebrated beating Magica. They laughed as she ran away with a smoldering gaze. At first Webby did too, but as the adrenaline died down, she glanced back at her shadow and her smile slowly faded thinking about Lena. It was true what the triplets said. She would always be with Webby. But somehow, it didn't feel enough. The roller coaster of emotions she hadn't been allowed to feel as they fought Magica suddenly hit full force.

Lena's betrayal, the thought that Lena was never really her friend, realizing that Lena was just another pawn of Magica's and seeing her fight her own master to protect Webby and the joy she felt seeing her and realizing that she did care about her. Then the horror and despair as Magica turned her staff on Lena and watching her vanish into nothing.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, she resisted the urge to cry. Dewey and Huey had noticed her now standing there with her fists clenched and eyes boring into the money at her feet. She noticed their looks and glanced away trying to hide her face. They couldn't know, everyone seemed so happy.

Somehow, Huey seemed to know what she was thinking. "Webby.." he reached out and set a soft hand on her shoulder. Snapping her head up she gave the two a smile.

"Really it's okay Huey. Thanks for worrying, you too Dewey." Webby grinned and then tackled the duck clad in blue and wrestled him into a headlock. "Ha! Still inexperienced! Your guard is way down Dewford!"

"HA! Dewey is being put in a headlock by a girl!" Louie laughed and pointed at his brother as he shot him a annoyed look.

Webby smirked, eyes narrowed. "Do you want a turn Louie? I can easily arrange that!" With that she launched herself at the wide eyed duck and tackled him into a exploding pile of coins as his brothers watched and laughed.

Scrooge watched the kids playing with a small growing smile. Eyes softening, he glanced to the side at Mrs Beakley and nodded slightly.

"You do realize Magica won't give up on destroying you." She stated factually and sighed. "You really shouldn't have let her go."

"No need to worry yourself, I will stop her next time I see her. I won't let anyone else be hurt by her. Besides, the woman can only do magician magic now. She's not much of a threat." He waved her worry away.

The older woman sighed slightly and turned back to the children playing. "Well I suppose we should see what is left of the manor. She probably did a number on it. I have a headache just thinking about everything that needs to be cleaned." She muttered. Turning to leave, she took two steps before pausing and turning back to Scrooge. "Also, I believe you owe someone an apology."

Raising an eyebrow at this, Scrooge turned to her and sighed. "I know, I was a bit harsh to everyone and I am sorry I said those things."

Tilting her head a bit. "I meant my granddaughter. You told her she wasn't a part of the family." Tone icy, she smiled in smug satisfaction at the wince Scrooge gave at that statement.

Hand covering half of his face, he gave a deep sigh. "I know...I promise I will tell her when we have a moment alone."

Mrs Beakley nodded and turned away again. "Don't forget Mr. McDuck that we are all Webby has. Despite how you feel about her parents she is MY granddaughter. She will forgive you, have no doubts about that. She idolizes you, heaven knows why. But you are in a particularly dangerous spot. Remember that." With that, she walked away and Scrooge frowned. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Donald smiling at him.

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