Chapter 4: My angel

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POV Alex

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, what was she doing in a bar, she didn't seem like that type of women.
-guys I know that girl, said Bryce just as is was about to tell them.
-what, how? Said Ethan
-well she just started working for me today but she didn't look this hot, said Bryce.
The way he talked about her and the way the guys were practically undressing her with their eyes really bothered me. Then I registered what Bryce said.
-What!! She started working for you, on what.
-She majored in economics and international finances, she is brilliant, I reached out to her from Mexico. She started today at the new business we are doing together. Said Bryce.
-I can't believe this! I said, I wanted to get further away from her but it seems that she is everywhere.
-what is it man do you know her? Said Alan looking at me worried, he knows more about my track record with women than anyone.
-yeah, she just moved into my building with a friend of hers that lives in the 10th floor, she hasn't done anything with me but I just feel this pull towards her, I can't explain it. When I raise my head to see the guys , in see that they all have smiles on their face.
-what? I said looking at them like they are crazy.
-It just sounds like you like this
Women, said Alan
- I do not, I want to get as far away from her as posible, I said to them.
- okay,okay, come on let's just forget about the topic we came out. To have a good time, said Grayson.
With that we returned to a random topic but I couldn't help but look at her the rest of the time we were their.

A couple of hours at the bar.....

We where about done at the bar, I had just asked for the bartender to close my tab. When I see Samantha being hurt by this guy. He looked like he was really wasted and was holding on to Sam wrist and waist really hard, and she kept telling him to get away from her. I looked around and her friends were all distracted dancing, that they didn't see that she needed help.

I got up and I started to head towards her.
-Alex... ALEX WHERE ARE YOU GOING MAN!!! I could hear the guys yelling at me.
I was seeing red, I literally wanted to kill the man that was harming my angel.
I took the man's wrist and took it off Sam and pushed him away,
- I believe the lady said to get away from her! I said to him without raising my voice.
- look man I don't know who you think you are, but this has nothing to do with you!
- You are very wrong, you see anything that has to do with her, has to do with me.
This guy seemed to be getting angrier and angrier. He looked like he really wanted to hurt me, but good thing for me because I wanted to do worse things to him.
Just as he was about to pinch me the guys came and stopped him and took him away from me. And trust me when I say that it was for his safety and not for mine, I and a force to be reckoned with since O have been studying personal defense since I was a kid.
I turned around and looked at Sammy. I saw that their was a bruise about to form on her wrist. I couldn't help but feel like I let this happen to her. 
- Alex?? What are you doing here?
I heard her say.
- I was here with some friends, come I will take you home. I said to her.
And with that I took her to my car and started driving to my apartment.

Bryce*Ethan* Grayson*Alan*Samantha*Alex* Orlando *karla *Abigail Colin*Devan

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