Chapter 1 - The Vault Dweller

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Squire Arthur Maxson walked through the hallways of the Citadel, making his way to the Lyon's Den. He passed several knights and paladins as he entered the quarters. Inside, was paladins Kodiak and Glade.

"You hear about that insider they let in?"

"They're saying its that Vault Dweller we came across earlier."

"We're not just going to let another outsider in, are we? We already have enough as it is..."

Arthur slipped past them and headed towards a bed in the corner of the room. He took out a folded piece of paper from his jacket and put it in a place he knew only she would find it. He wedged it under her mattress until he could see the last part of Sarah Lyon's name written on the front.

"Meet me at my room after combat practice when you get the chance." He had written. "I have another story I want to show you."


Swiftly, Arthur snuck out of the room and began to head towards the B Ring. As he entered the section, he could hear his brothers and sisters talking to each other as they reported to their stations.

"Did you hear? The Enclave is back. They apparently took over Project Purity."

"And Madison Li is back, but she brought a bunch of outsiders with her. I don't know if I can trust them. I saw one of them, the vault dweller, snooping around here a minute ago..."

The squire continued down the hallway until he reached his quarters. He grabbed onto the doorknob and took a deep breath. He felt relief fall off of his shoulders as he twisted it and opened the door. Finally, he could retreat to his stories before practice. Arthur opened the door and quickly sat by his terminal. He entered his password and opened a new entry: The Guardians of Gillyford. Soon, words spilled out onto the screen as his

" Whatever shall we do, Mister Wollingsworth?" Molly asked. "Mother will be home shortly, and I've yet to clean my room!"

"My, heavens me. Don't fret, Molly-Golly. We'll enlist a little help, that's all." Mister Wollingsworth then waddled his little teddy bear body into the center of the room, and called out - in a voice both sweet and strong - to those lying dormant on shelves, in the toybox, under the bed. "

"Come now, you lot! Molly-Golly needs our help, and as we're her Guardians, that means we all get-"

A small creak quickly snapped Arthur out of his thoughts and he quickly whipped his head around to see an unfamiliar face at the doorway.

A young woman stood at the doorway. She wore a blue jumpsuit that immediately gave away that she was the vault dweller everyone had talked about. She had short black hair and a small silver ring on her right ring finger. The woman also had eyeglasses over her small brown eyes, which Arthur so noticed that her eyes were slightly red. The squire stood up from his seat.

"H...hail to you stranger," he greeted. "I am Squire Maxson, loyal servant of steel. It honor to make your acquaintance." The woman narrowed her eyes as she looked at Arthur.

"Relax, squire. I don't bite," she told him. "I'm just looking around."

"I plead for your pardon if my behavior offends you, miss. We don't get many visitors in the Citadel."

"Really? I guess I finally won the vault lottery. " The woman began to smile. However, Arthur just continued to talk.

"The Brothers and Elder Lyons are excellent teachers, but I get nervous about the protocols. The codex says that outsiders are not to be trusted. Shield yourself from those not bound to you by steel, for they are the blind. Aid them when you can, but lose not sight of yourself, it says."

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