Let's Begin

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Izuku sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He blinks in confusion a few times, trying to clear the blurriness that was rapidly spreading through his vision. He stood up, squinting, made his way to the closet and got dressed into a mismatched blue shirt and bright orange shorts. The shirt displayed a certain blond haired hero in a rugged pose with the caption "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" underneath. He ran into the hallway, his hazy vision dissipating, and shouted a loud greeting to his mother.

"Happy birthday Izuku!" exclaimed Inko, a wide smile spreading across her face as her precious now 4 year old scurried into the kitchen, excitement practically radiating off him.

"Come eat, and then we'll run to the store to pick up some things for your party. How does that sound?"

"Awesome Mama! Can we invite Kachaan?" Izuku asked politely.

Inko knew that Katsuki could act cruel to her son, but despite the rough demeanor, she knew he had a soft spot for little Izuku, seeing him almost as a little brother, despite there only being a small gap between their birthdays.

"Of course hun, We'll stop by the Aunty Mitsuki's on the way to the market. Now hurry up and eat!"



The green haired duo walked down the street hand in hand. Izuku unlatched from his mom and skips to a large tan and brown house and runs to the door.

"Slow down Izuku! Wait for me, Silly!" Inko exclaims after her son, giggling at his antics.

He knocks on the large door, though his little fist barely makes any noise when it comes to knocking on the dense oak. So, he then rings the doorbell. Repeatedly.

"I'm coming you impatient shit!" Mitsuki screamed, making Izuku jump and let go of the doorbell finally. He giggled as Inko shook her head and chuckled.

Mitsuki slammed open the door and glare at the little boy, feigning a fake anger until a treacherous smile betrayed her as it spread across her lips. She absolutely loved the pair, and she wasn't surprised to hear a faint knock followed by an infinite ring of the door bell. Her son glared at the door and crossed his arms.

"Shitty Deku, why's he here?" Katsuki mumbled under his breath. Anyone who didn't know the fiery tempered boy well would believe that he didn't want to see his peer, but his parents shared a look, they knew how excited he actually was. The night before they had spent hours going to store from store looking for the perfect gift for his friend, Katsuki pretending to be uninterested in it until his mom attempted to pick out anything, exclaiming 'He wouldn't like that' or 'That shitty deku would ruin it'. They ended picking out two All Might figurines, an All Might hoodie, and a peanut chocolate bar. Izuku loved peanuts, and Katsuki knew it. He made it his mission to get him one whenever he had enough money, once spending his entire allowance on buying two so they could share. That was also the day they found out Katsuki was allergic to nuts.

"Hey Inko, squirt, What are you guys up to?" Mitsuki asked lightheartedly, letting the pair inside.

"Aunt Mitsu!! It's my birthday!!!" He looks over to Katsuki. "Kachaan, come over and play!"

"Izuku, mind your manners dear." Inko smiled sweetly at her son and patted his head gently.

"Sorry Mama." Izuku said, almost embarrassed. He gazed back over to his best friend. " Wanna come over Kachaan?"

"Tch. If I have to, you shitty nerd." Katsuki sayd, almost succeeding in hiding a smile.

The mothers shared a knowing smile, looking over at each other, and then looking back to their sons.

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