Papa Villain

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Hey!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter! If you see any mistakes please please pleeeaaaasssseeee let me know! Thanks for reading!


Izuku is very, very cold. He's been encased in this room for what seems like hours, though he has no way to tell how long it's been. He woke up a little while ago, only to realize that he was locked in a small room that was about the size of a walk in closet.

Unlike most children his age, Izuku was never really afraid of the dark, which now worked in his favor. He sits in the corner with his back against the wall, any hopes of escape forgotten after searching for the door for what he thinks was at least half an hour. He's curled in a ball, trying to stay somewhat warm. The temperature seems to continuously drop, though he thinks it might just be his imagination.

He wants his mom, or Kachaan, or Auntie Mitsuki. Or anyone, really. He's scared. He's so, so scared. His eyes are an angry red and his throat hurts from screaming out and sobbing, and yet his eyes still leak pitifully.

He's tired, despite being knocked out for who knows how long. Izuku can't bring himself to stay awake for any longer as he sees no point in remaining conscious. He lays down, scrunched against the wall in a fetal position, and closes his eyes. Sleep overtakes wakefulness in mere minutes.


Izuku wakes up hours later to a blinding light. He squints and blinks a few times, letting his eyes adjust after hours of being locked in the dark. When he can finally see clearly, he stares at the people in front of him. It was the shadow man from the park, standing next to a new person.

The person had dark, fiery spiked hair and even fierier red eyes that flickered with amusement. He stood to around the shadow figure's shoulder, his arms crossed and legs spread shoulder width apart, conveying a sense of confidence. There was something about the man that Izuku recognized, though he couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was that made the man seem familiar.

" Damn! You actually found the kid! I owe you guys big time!" announces the man in a loud voice, making Izuku flinch.

"We were only following orders, nothing more. You don't owe us, if anything you owe sensei for allowing this child to join our ranks." The shadow man replies, his words cold and void of emotion, except for maybe a slight annoyance.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Kurogiri." Replied the fiery man, who almost seemed embarrassed.

Attention shifts to Izuku, who shrinks under their gaze.

"Hey there, Izuku." The man says, a kind smile resting on his face. "Sorry it took so long, I had some things I had to take care of. But I'm here now!" The man says, seeming excited.

"My name is Hisashi, I was a friend of your mom. A real good friend. I'm so sorry to hear that she was smashed to bits." Hisashi says, feigning mock sadness.

Izuku feels the bile climbing up his throat after hearing that. His eyes begin to pool with tears and Hisashi's mood seems to dangerously change as soon as sees the glassy state of Izuku's eyes.

"Are you really about to cry?" Hisashi asks, his tone taking on an icy chill. "Over something as little as this?"

Izuku feels the mood in the room change drastically. He can feel the ice cold rage radiating off of Hisashi. If Kurogiri notices the change, he doesn't show it.

Almost as soon as the feeling consumed the room, it dissipates, being replaced by the previously calm atmosphere.

"Well, no matter. We'll just have to fix that crybaby attitude." The tone of Hisashi's voice seems sweet and caring, though Izuku isn't fully convinced. " Kuro, let's show Izu his new family why don't we?"

Kurogiri nods in agreement. " I don't see why not."

"Fantastic! Alright Izu-kun, let's go explore your new home!"

Izuku nods, tears soon forgotten and the fear he was feeling is soon replaced by excitement, albeit he still felt a bit apprehensive.

It dawns on him while Hisashi is leading him through the bar, hand in hand, that he's his dad. Izuku has a dad in his life now.


It had been 11 months. 11 months since Izuku had disappeared with those two people, and Katsuki couldn't do anything about it. His mom was a mess after what had happened at the park, and she still wouldn't let her son out of her sight.

Mitsuki had saw the weather villain on the news and quickly called Inko. When there was no answer, she had rushed to the park, finding a terrifying scene. Her son sitting on his knees, expression filled with shock and unadulterated grief. A few yards away from where her son sat was a large piece of rubble. Underneath the piece of building was the crushed, bloody body of Inko Midoriya, along with a child. Mitsuki had originally thought that Izuku was the child trapped with Inko, though her son revealed days later that that wasn't the case.

The first thing he had said in days was "Where are they?"

He murmured the sentence, almost too quiet for his parents to hear. He repeated the fraze, though it was now accompanied by a terrifying look in the boy's eyes. A look of hot, uncontrollable rage, and pure determination.

It wasn't the rage that scared his parents, but the determination. What was he so determined to do?


Izuku was hurt. Again. This time the injury wasn't inflicted by his dad, surprisingly. No, this time it was one of sensei's brilliant scientific minds testing out some new methods to help sensei create his masterpiece. It was becoming a bit of a trend, using Izuku as a guinea pig. His father was dead set on making sure Izuku was living up to his full potential, even if that meant completely destroying what he began with. The cause of the injury wasn't the only thing different about this event. This time he was really hurt. Or at least, this time the injury left more than just a painful scar or two. This time he had lost something that he would never be able to gain back. He had lost his eyes.

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