Chapter 1 Our World

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(AN) THIS HAS BEEN REWRITTEN ENJOY :) Sorry but this first chapter is going to mainly be exposition. I'm going to give you information about the world and how everything originated.

As for ships I'm pretty open to your ideas for everything else so you can direct me where the story goes, however, the main one will be triple treble or ABC unless there is a mass amount of people hating me.

I own nothing but bits of the storyline and some OC's

Without further ado Our Mysterious Badass.

It started hundreds of years ago. Scientists wanted a better way to learn about genes especially from animals and how they connect with humans. They needed to understand how some humans connected so well with certain animals while others did not. They needed to know if everyone had a certain animal that was special to them in a way similar to the ideas of spirit animals. Or was it something more shallow.

Having found a way to extract DNA from one animal and inject it into another, they had their first test idea. They began with monkeys and noticed not much difference in their findings. The monkeys appeared normal in all ways and after a few years it was safe to begin human tests. The first test was on one of the scientists themselves, her name was Ilean. She wanted to be sure it was safe before putting other lives on the line so before they could scout out any applicants she went through with the experiment. She had an amazing connection with her corgi and it took weeks to perfect the dosage and write their procedure.

Taking the DNA from her corgi they began. She was put into the Testing Vat and they injected the DNA. It would take 2 months for her to go through the complete change and to ensure her body took to the DNA. During the long hours spent on the project everything was noted and not a step was out of place. The recovery time was quicker than anticipated and 3 months after they began the procedure they had their first living human experiment. In the end, it was a success she was their first human test subject...well almost.

What they had originally found were lumps of flesh that they assumed were the DNA going through mitosis and replicating itself within her body. It was a clear sign the procedure was working but unlike with the monkeys they didn't dissolve or fall of after she was removed from the vat. In fact when she looked atop her head there were a pair of corgi ears. Unlike the ones from her dog but recognisably the same breed. They hadn't made exact a replica just a new breed of human.

To test all the limits of what was possible in her new state, she was put through a series of tests. Replicating exactly the same tests she took before the procedure and accounting for muscle loss. They tested communications among animals, not just dogs, but any animal they were able to get their hands on. They tested strength, how new diets affected her, her food cravings, any change in attitude, etc. And what they found was amazing. While she couldn't communicate to animals any better than she could before, she required that she had her dog with her at all times feeling lonely without him and feared their separation. While they were separated both parties began to pace around the room showing aggravated and fearful tendencies. Her strength was astounding it had nearly doubled her original standing even with muscle loss increased and had an increase in stamina. Her diet had also increased without worry of added fat, she seemed to burn off the majority of her original fat too. She became more active and physically she was in perfect shape. However, that was when things began to go downhill.

Mentally her stability seemed to waver. She claimed that she could feel the battle between her human side and what seemed like a caged animal. They didn't agree. Despite having a connection to her corgi they weren't compatible. She felt herself slowly losing to her own mind and in her final moments dedicated all her money and valuables to the project. To ensure they finish what they started.

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