Chapter 2 Barden's New Arrivals

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(AN) REWRITTEN I know this isn't too big rn (nobody is reading it)but still. I own nothing just bits of the storyline and my OC's.

Without further ado Our Mysterious Badass

Barden didn't know it yet, but they were being invaded by Shifters and wolves no less. They had already scouted the place for a few years, hiding their tails inside their clothes and pinning their ears down or covering them with hats. Now the rest of the pack had come to join them. Among them was Rebeca their omega. Beca had the least submissive look, out of everyone, but due to the way she was born, she couldn't help it in the presence of an Alpha.

In their beginning years, the wolf shifters needed a hierarchy, so they began to make one. They were barbarians, selective breeding creating ranks that all looked the same. After a few years, it became a requirement of "true alphas". Dark fur on their ears and tails, tall, and broad shoulders. Omegas were left with the lighter fur and were naturally smaller in size. Beca was the perfect omega, she had silky pure white fur, despite her brown hair, it was a rare trait and was the smallest out of her home pack standing at 5'1". Contrary to popular belief, they weren't werewolves nor did they have the ability to find mates. It is possible however to create a deep connection to people once this connection is forged it is almost unbreakable.

Before Beca left her cab she made sure her tail was tucked tightly in her shirt and, kept her headphones right on her ears to keep them pinned down, her hair covering up their existence. She stepped out of the cab and into the sunlight. Covering her eyes at the brightness she groaned walking around to the trunk. Before the welcome crew could get to her stuff she stopped them from grabbing her mixing equipment. "I got it," she said as she made sure they understood not to pressure her on it. They left her alone and handled the rest of her bags. Maybe this won't be so bad. If everyone just listens and doesn't bother me I should be fine. Beca thought as she began following the trolley with her stuff on it.

Not 5 steps later she was encountered by a greeter. "Hi there! Welcome to Barden University, What dorm," she had an annoyingly peppy voice that gave Beca a headache even without her added hearing abilities. "Baker Hall, I think, "Beca responded not completely paying attention. "OKAY, So whatcha gonna do is head right down here and make a right..." Beca stopped paying attention as some music playing from a car caught her attention. In the car was a boy who turned and looked at her continuing his air guitar while singing the riff. He had a good voice, she could admit that, but she smirked as he hit his head on the seat as the car drove off. Some people are just stupid. She thought as she turned back to face the greeter, "and here, is your official BU rape whistle" she said handing Beca a whistle. Beca reluctantly took it. The fuck kinda school is this. She questioned as she followed the cart to her dorm room.

Once in her dorm, she sees her roommate. Deciding to be at least a little friendly to someone she has to spend at least a year with she introduces herself. "Hey, I'm Beca," she holds her hand out. "You must be Kimmy Jin," Beca says putting her hand down after being rejected a handshake. Kimmy Jin just turns around and ignores Beca. Confused Beca asks "No English," Kimmy glares.."Yes English," the glare intensifies..."Just tell me where you're at with English." Kimmy just turns toward the door, and leaves "I'm going to the activity fair." Alright then, very friendly...and yes English. Just as Beca was going to join her a boy walks in. On reflex, she turns around and glares before she can release a growl she sees who it is and straightens.

"Alpha, Ummm, whatcha, I mean what are you doing here." "Please while we're here call me Chris," he says putting his hand under her chin forcing her to look up at him "And I'm here because you're my omega, you really think I'm going to let you out of my sight?" She hated how he could reduce her to a stuttering mess, she felt so weak, but she knows it's the only power he has over her. If he wasn't an Alpha or she wasn't the Omega the roles would most definitely be different. "No, sir," He glares, and she gulps "I mean Chris." "Thank you, now was that so hard my love?" she had to reduce the urge to growl at him. "Chris, don't say things like that," he looks at her concerned "love? I mean shouldn't you save that for someone you're bonded to, the one you're made for?" He scoffs before countering. "All powerful Alphas have had omegas as their partners, so I want you, you should be honored I chose you. I mean look at you with you by my side i'll be envied by all alphas. " Beca sighs in defeat "Of course Chris, but Barden is safe, you have looked out for a year now, trust me no harm can come to me here plus we have the pack," He looks thoughtful for a moment before answering "I suppose you are right, though remember try to fit in I want you in at least one club and you need to pass your classes nobody is getting kicked out on my watch." Beca nods. A few awkward seconds pass by before he opens his mouth again. "Rebeca. I have a question... I want you to be completely honest with me," Beca nods again in understanding as her palms get sweaty with nervousness. "Do you want to be with me? I mean honestly" She hesitates. "no," she says it in the smallest voice afraid for what he might do. Chris sighs and nods his head. "Okay, well remember what I said I'll check in with you again later. Bye Rebeca." "Bye." As soon as he was out of the building she glared and gave him the bird.

Beca walked out the door, continuing her walk to the activities fair. The scents and sounds were amazing, she always loved being outside. She could already feel the pressure of eyes of her pack members following her. She finally made it to the activities fair going straight to the DJ booth. "AWWWW YEAH DJ'S... Deaf Jews. Wika Wika whaaaaat." laughing at the Beca walked away hoping to just find a place to work instead of joining a club.

~~~~~~~~~~~In another part of the quad~~~~~~~~~~~

"Chlo, this is a travesty. Nobody is going to want to audition after last year," the blond girl spoke with stress as she began to pace. "I mean we can't even get Bologna Barb to audition there is no way we can get eight super- hot girls with bikini-ready bodies." The redhead, Chloe, looked to her stressed friend "Look, Bree, we don't have to follow tradition we did that for years with Alice and look where that got us. We can just get good singers and go from the-" "Oh!? what!? good singers!" The girls turned to face the freshman "Can you sing" the redhead asked curiously. "Yeah" replied the blond girl nodding her head. "Can you dance?" Chloe asked again. "Yeah" "Can you match pitch?" this time Aubrey cut in being curious. "Try me" After a series of tests both girls decided they liked her. "Name?" "Fat Amy" there was a pause. "You call yourself Fat Amy" "Yeah so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back" "Alright see you at auditions... Fat Amy"

Just as they saw her walk away Chloe saw a girl walk over to an internship posting. "Hey what about her?" "Ohhhhhh? I don't know Chlo. She seems a little too alternative for us."

(AN)Alright thanks, guys feel free to comment on anything and have a great day.

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