Faking amnesia

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Elizabeth POV

Meliodas walked out yes I knew it was him I faked it I want nothing to do with him " why are you faking it" Elaine ask I look at her surprised how'd she know "hey el how'd you know I was talking in my head" "umm cause u couldn't have h-hit your head that hard pshh no way" she smiles awkwardly hmm wonder why she's acting like that she's usually never this weird then I feel something jump on me it's Diane and ban "we were so worried about you" they say in unison " why" I look down and frown " cause we're your friends and we love you" Diane smiles enough for the both of us "but why are you faking amnesia Ellie" ban ask out of the blue it looks like Diane's wondering too I sighed " because I don't want to be in love with meliodas anymore and I knew he wouldn't try to put himself back in my life if he knew about the cuts so I'm gonna love someone else from now on he's put me through to much pain already I want him out" my vision is getting blurry I feel cold water run down my face I'm crying " Ellie just because you want to love somebody else doesn't mean you will" "DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THAT" I scream not that I meant to it's just I have to get over him if I don't it's gonna destroy me he's not worth my time anyway even though he's the love of my li-gahhh not stop it Elizabeth he broke your heart he chose Liz forget him he will never love you

Diane's POV

I don't think Ellie's gonna forget him she's in love with the captain she will always love him I'm so heart broken though I can't tell Elz that I'm a giantess that I'm only this size cause of Merlin the whole team has powers but meliodas said if we tell Ellie he will end all of us "he is a demon" I clap my hands over my mouth as Ban Merlin king escanor Elaine and Gowther look at me as well as Ellie a little confused "yeah total demon ellie I'm not agreeing to this meliodas May be a dickhead but he is the love of you- I was cut off "ah bu ba I don't wanna here that dumb little line of words it disgust me" what am I gonna do I have to tell captain but I'm Ellie's best friend maybe Ban should do it I signal Ban to be the hero he just nods

Ban's POV

I get what Diane's saying she wants me to tell cap'n I look Elizabeth dead in the eyes and say "I'mtellingmeliodas" really fast and run out thank god I don't want to face her she's terrifying when's she's mad I should know I'm like her big brother

Elizabeth's POV

"WHAT" Damn Ban's gonna tell meliodas I have to stop him I try to get up but I fall cause my legs are weak from the blood loss damn I can't let him tell meliodas he would know about my crush and reject me cause he has Liz I'm just a leftover toy nothing more maybe less yeah I'm less that's why he didn't choose me I'm not enough I might as well be dead he won't care anyway he's got liz

Meliodas' POV

She forgot me I'm nothing without her I know I liked liz but she didn't make me feel the same way ellie did Ellie made me feel special inside like I was the only one in her eyes liz had fifteen guys in her eyes she didn't love me she just wanted me to make everyone else jealous I'm crying damn I hate when I cry it makes me feel weak just as I'm finished wiping my tears I hear loud footsteps running towards me "hmmm agghhhhhh" Ban was now on top of me saying "cap'n cap'n cap'n" "what" I deadpanned "elliesfakingit" he clapped his hands over his mouth "I can't believe I actually told you I wasn't supposed to it was supposed to be a joke for Ellie but I told the truth oh no oh no I'm dead I'm not cool yettt!!!" Jesus Ban needs help I can't believe she would fake it you have got to be kidding me why would she do this to me Ban got real serious and now he said "you must be thinking why did she do this to me" wow he just read my mind "it's because you broke her cap'n she's liked u since 7th grade" what no no way I met elizabeth in 8th how could she like me before she knew me "cap'n she knew you since 7th grade because of me I introduced you two remember" "yeah of course I remember the day I met ellie we were at a pep rally and I wanted to talk and then you introduced us" "it was a set up we set it up I knew ellie had a crush on you" "ban....I liked ellie to back in 8th grade but you two were so close I thought you liked each other and I didn't want to get in between my best friend" "ewwww I like Ellie of course but only as a sister and when me and Elaine got together in 9th why didn't you ask her out then" "cause she barley talk to me when you and Elaine got together so I thought she was heartbroken and I-I left her alone" I say with disappointment in my voice "oh cap'n you messed up big time what will you do" "I d-don't k-know w-why why am I such an idiot god I'm a total Baka" "yes you are cap yes u are" ban shakes his head at me " come on let's go to Elizabeth she's waiting for her knight and shining armor" ban pats my back and we head off to tell the love of my life that I want her to be with me forever am I selfish for that?
sorry sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time because my mother is in the hospital because there's water on her brain so they have to drill a hole in her skull but I got my first comment saying please upload by Ricarlatouche  I am super grateful that you like my story it means a lot to me cause I aspire to be a written and I know I'm sorry for the hold up I really am and I hope you forgive me and thanks for the support on reading my story it means a lot thanks for being there for me love you all and my name is Niamya by the way so thanks ~love Niamya 😭😭🥳🥳🥰🥰😘😍

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