The confession

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Elizabeth POV

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG...That's what my head feels like so does my heart Ban is going to confess for me will he tell him I liked him for years already omg that's so creepy please Ban don't tell him that pleaseeee no

"Hey ellie you ok"Diane ask worry filling her voice

"Yeah you've been quiet a long time" Elaine states

"WHY WOULD I BE FINE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS ABOUT TO FIND OUT I LOVE HIM OMG HES GONNA REJECT ME" I scream not to loud so we don't get kicked out but Elaine and Diane do flinch at my action

Thoughts start to fill my head "he's not gonna like you your simply to ugly to get liked it's funny because people say you and Liz look alike but she's 1,000 times better looking than you, you ugly rat" ouch how much lower can my self esteem get

I look to my left just a few seconds after I screamed that I saw him at the door my whole face instantly becomes a tomato holy crap why did I say that I put my hands to my face as I hear him walk over...

Meliodas' POV

Ok what will I say to her a I gonna sound cool or be a Baka and turn red jeez does she even like me anymore maybe I kept her waiting to long she's moved on even if she does move on I'll always love her the way she smiles make my stomach ache for her more the way she gets flustered so quickly but only with me gosh she's cute what am I thinking a goddess would never love a demon

When me and Ban we're walking we heard Elaine say something but couldn't hear it clearly so we walk in and Elizabeth suddenly yells "WHY WOULD I BE FINE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS ABOUT TO FIND OUT I LOVE HIM OMG HES GONNA REJECT ME" no I would never wait did she just call me the lover of her life a smile appears on my face the widest smile ever I was so happy that I just stood there smiling like an idiot

Ban pushed me forward and Elizabeth looks my way we make eye contact and she immediately turns as red as the sun she was glowing not just from the blush but from her beauty wow she puts her hands on her face to cover the blush she says "how long were you there" she looks still blushing wow how I love her blush

I am the only man that gets to experience that blush only towards me I'm the only man she'll love romantically me and me alone I feel jealousy already and I haven't even confessed yet I'm such a loser I blush and put my head down as I walk over to Elizabeth

Diane,Merlin,Elaine,Escanor,Gowther,King all see my blush and with no audio say "he's blushing" all at the same time to Ban why why why would they do this to me

Suddenly I feel two big arms wrap around my torso it's Ban "awwwww cap'n it's ok to show emotion you are in love with the princess" Elizabeth looks up and my hair isn't over my face yo cover my blush she sees it and smiles then I think she realized what Ban said cause she turned redder than I am I didn't think that was possible

"Ban put me down you idiot it was my job to tell her you fucktard" I'm angry how could he steal my moment I was supposed to tell Elizabeth and get married the only reason he told her is because he likes her right jealousy fills me up head to toe and I punch Ban really hard

Bans POV

Owwwwww why did he do that he's probably angry I told her I looked at Merlin with pleading eyes to teleport me out of there she did but she probably forgot that Elizabeth was there jeez now she knows I wonder how she'll react...

Elizabeth's POV

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE BUT WHAT " what the hell just happened Merlin did you just teleport Ban with the snap of your fingers meliodas glares at Merlin evilly his aura is different like that of a demons Merlin shiver

Merlin's POV

What did I do I'm such a dead girl captain is way stronger than me he's going to skin me alive captain looks back demon mark bigger than anytime I've seen it before oh no why me why did I do that for Ban I should have let him die by captains hand I shiver as meliodas started holes into my soul

Meliodas' POV

Merlin teleported Ban away that means Elizabeth knows that Merlin has powers I turn ever so slowly and activate my demon mark facing Merlin so elllie won't see she's gonna hate me if she does when I was about to kill Merlin

I feel to incredibly soft and gentle hands holding me as if I could crack at anytime I hear a quiet "don't it's ok" in my ear her breathe hitting my ear was the hottest thing at the time that she could do her hands snake around my waist to hold me tighter I turn around to face her she sees my demon mark and does nothing just looks at it and kisses it I deactivated it while she did it her lips were plump and soft against my forehead they felt amazing

Elizabeth's POV

I get up from the bed and almost fall but luckily I don't and I grab onto meliodas he stops dead in his tracks still I feel the aura but it's growing weaker as I get close to him he's so warm I go up to his ear and whisper "don't it's ok" very breathily to seem sexy he shivers at my gesture and turns in my arms he had a demon mark I was surprised but I didn't show it instead I kissed his forehead and his mark slowly started to disappear I lingered there at his forehead for I never wanted to leave I felt two arms snake around my waist and pull me closer

I wonder what he thought about the kiss he probably it's was childish heh yeah I'm nothing compared to liz out of nowhere I hear " why aren't you scared of me ellie I'm a beast " " If your a beats then I want to be your beauty" I cheekily say god I'm such a dork I smile it brighten up the mood he smiles back just as bright as I smiled 


Hello sorry I forgot to tell you that I had to go on break because I've been in the hospital for fainted so I'm here with another chapter and I took your advice thank you the7sinnersIAME for your suggestion it's making me a better writer I think I did good on this chapter so if you like it vote for it thanks and my mom did get out of surgery she is way better now thank you for the prayers love all of the people reading my story thanks a bunch~Niamya🥰

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