Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV

I was sitting in class trying to understand what the teacher is discussing. My whole life, I have never been good at Science. I mean, I do understand some lessons but sometimes they just pass through the other side of my ear like it was nothing.

I sighed and just stared at the board, trying to analyze how to understand and stick that in my head. I was startled when my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and held it behind my desk, so the teacher won't see. I unlocked it and checked the notifications. Some were game notifications, some were from social media but the most recent one was from....Lisa. I clicked on it and read what she sent me.

Logged in as Tae.taeger

Tae!! What are you doing?

Lisa!? I thought you had classes on right now

I have,.... But I'm just so BORED!!!!


Waaah! This girl is really something. Yet here you are crushing on her big time.


Why don't you try and listen to the teacher then? You wouldn't be bored anymore, plus, you can learn something

That sounds even more boring!

Well, we can't just keep chatting in the middle of classes. The teacher will find out and we'll both get into trouble


And why are you chatting ME anyway? Shouldn't you be chatting with your boyfriend instead?

He's off-line at the moment so I found you instead and apparently you were online!😁


I knew I should've put my phone into airplane mode-_-

Now I can't even listen to the teacher properly because my phone keeps vibratingT.T


You should listen to the teacher, you know-_-


But I don't mind talking to you...


Well, yeah... But I'm bored...

You told me that a lot of times now!

If you were annoyed at me, you could've just said so... 😔

Lalisa.m logged out.

Tae.taeger logged out.

I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket. I sighed.

I didn't mean to sound annoyed, I really wasn't. I was just afraid that she might get in trouble. She must be sad now. I should apologize....

Yeah... I should.

"Mr. Kim! If you're just going to keep spacing out, you should just go out!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I won't do it again!"

Maybe I should apologize later after class....


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