사랑이 올 때 난 울어버릴지도 몰라

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[break is over, school starts]


"hey, wanna get food after school?" jimin asks, wrapping around my shoulders after the last class ended.

the bell had just rung and students crowded the halls, swarming like bees in a hive.

"hell yeah." namjoon appeared on my left side. "let's get pizza."

jimin scowls at the older boy. "you can get your pizza. i want korean food."

soon enough, a red-haired boy trails along beside us holding his binder to his chest. "i want to eat with you guys too!" taehyung whines.

jimin is about to protest, but i punch his shoulder. "be nice." i grit out.

he rolls his eyes like a moody teenager.

"are we having a play date today?" jungkook, yoongi, and hoseok, (yoongi on hoseok's back) suddenly come onto the scene, absorbing into our little bubble of a group.

i nod to his question, while jimin adamantly shakes his head.

jin is pulling up through the driving loop when we make it outside, shielding our faces from the hot sun. he sees us and begins honking the car horn wildly. "c'mon kids! walk faster!"

we file into the car one-by-one. when it came to my turn to get in, jimin refused to let go of my hand, resulting in me twisting my arm in an odd way in attempt to climb into the vehicle.

"bro let go." i sigh, exasperated. he pouts, but obliges reluctantly.

"yah, we're heading to the food restaurant okay?" jin calls from the front.

"can you drop me and jaynie off at the mall?" jimin asks, leaning forward and using my seat to grab on to.

"sure! change of plans, we're going to the mall!" the driver exclaims, making a sharp turn. everyone yells out at him as a car whizzes by, honking.

"no just me and— you know what nevermind."

"phởlicious!" taehyung skips towards the little counter and begins ordering food.

we're all walking through the mall as a group before jimin pulls me away.

he crouches behind a woman at a table and pulls me down, motioning for me to stay quiet.

giving me that precious eye-smile, i grin back at him lean into his shoulder contentedly.

we watch the others order food, trying to time a perfect moment to run, when the dog under the chair starts barking at us. the lady gives us a dirty look.

jimin flushes. "haha... sorry ma'am, we'll leave!" he says, pulling me up with him and bowing repeatedly.

we then dash off into the nearest store, him pulling me by the hand and giggling cutely.


"look!" he calls me over to the dressing room for the hundredth time.

i'm slightly exasperated, but amused all the while. i'll admit, him playing dress-up was blatantly adorable.

"what is it now—whoah!" i'm tugged into the confined space in a split second. "jimin what the—" i look up to find his face extremely close to mine. i gulp involuntarily.

"you know," he purrs into my ear. "you look great in that dress."

heat creeps up from my toes to the peaks of my cheeks. i begin stuttering. "i'm uhh— i-"

he shushes me, then pulls me closer. i tense up.

"you know what'd look great on you right now?" he asks playfully, reaching to the side where i can, out of the corner of my eye, see a lacy garment on the hook.

i freeze. he's not gonna...

"matching couple outfits!" he springs up in joy, reaching behind the garment to reveal a set of two shirts and bottoms.

"oh thank goodness." i sigh out in relief.

"what's wrong?" he asks, looking troubled.

"nothing, nothing," i wave him off, then take half the set and push him towards the door. "now go change."

"okay!" he happily obliges.

we come out minutes later wearing matching striped shirts and black bottoms.

"aren't we cute~" jimin coos, taking out his phone. he snaps a few hundred photos of us before skipping over to the cashier who take another thousand.

"i'll pay for it, and we can go." he says, taking out his wallet.

i take a quick peek at the price tags and pull out my own wallet, quietly slipping out the amount and putting it into jumin's back pocket. (i ain't letting someone pay for my clothes) he jumps when he feels something on his behind.

"did you..." he narrows his eyes at me. i look away innocently.

"did you touch my butt?"

i might just cry

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