chapter 15

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//Thursday morning\\

Izuku and katsuki walked up to the door of their classroom, izuku looked over to katsuki and said "you think its gonna be a repeat of middle school?" "Why do you say that?" "Well because, they were all scared of me. You think they will be scared of me?"

Katsuki punched izukus arm. "Well, we wont know until we find out right?" Izuku sighed, then opened the door and saw all his classmates sitting down talking to one another. They all looked over to the door were izuku and katsuki were, then got up and ran over to them.

"Yo izuku, are you alright? You looked pretty bad when aizawa was carrying you out of usj." Shoji started. "Yeah man, you were so cool out there! But to be honest, you were also scary." Sero said while rubbing the back of his head.

Questions kept coming and some of the students said "Im glad your on our side." Izuku looked at all of them and smiled. "Yes im fine, im just glad you guys got out without getting hurt. Well most of you, i heard that shoji, kirishima, and todoroki aslo helped and got some minor injuries."

"Well we couldn't let you and bakugo steal the thunder from us." Kirishima said while throwing his fist up. Shoji and todoroki nodded. "Well thank you guys, for worring about me. It means a lot.." Everyone nodded, then started going back to their seats, except jiro.

"Im gonna go see what momo is doing." Katsuki said. He patted izuku on the back, then walked over to momos desk and started talking to her.

"Hey kyoka." Izuku said while smiling. Jiro had a light shade of red went on her face, she looked up at him and said "hey z-zuku." Izuku chuckled. "Zuku? Is that my new name for you?" "Y-Yeah, its something that o-only i can c-call you."

Izuku put his hand on her head, then smiled and said "okay." They stayed there for a minute, then aizawa walked in. Izuku turned around and said "hey aizawa, its good to see that your alright."

"I can say the same for you. Anyways, thanks for, you know, saving me." Aizawa said while chuckling. "No problem." After that, everyone went to their seats. Izuku sat down, and aizawa went up in front of the class and started teaching.

Izuku sat his head down and sighed. "I can't believe i didnt blush or do anything weird when jiro called me zuku." He looked over to jiro. "She so cute." "Izuku are you listening?" Izuku raised his head, then nodded.

"Good, now what i was saying, have you guys heard of the sports festival?" Mina raised her hand. "Isn't where the students verse each other with three different things?"

"Your actullay spot on, but your missing one thing. Its the chance to have pros see you guys in action, and if they like you, you can train under them for two weeks, you also can have multiple pros who would like to train you, but choose wisely. Its gonna happen on tuesday."

"This is perfect! I can finally show that i can use my powers for good!" Izuku smiled. "Isn't it too early to be having this happen? I mean, we just got attacked a few days ago." Denki said while charging his phone. (You get it, right?)

"Well we really can't stop it, its the biggest event in japan, and its gonna be filled with pro heroes, no villians will go for that, no matter how crazy they are." Denki nodded. Aizawa sighed, then said "now thats over with lets continue with math."

Everyone groaned, aizawa looked at all of them and said "i know, i don't want to do this either. But we have too." Izuku Rose his hand. "What about a sparring session?" Aizawa turned around from the board. "What do you mean?"

"Well on monday when we were going to usj, i was gonna ask you if we could spar on Wednesday but, you know, we got attacked." "Wait are you sure izuku? You just got out of the hospital yesterday.." Jiro joined their talk.

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