Killing Meg

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The time was 5:50 when Meg's alarm clock went off. She let it beep for a couple more minutes before she slammed the snooze button. She got up slowly and went to her closet. What shoud I wear? She searched through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit. She decided to wear a grey shirt, blue jeans, and her grey converse. Meg went to the bathrom and brushed her teeth. She then went downstairs to have some breakfast. Fifteen and a half minues later, Meg was at the bus stop with the other kids. She saw her friend, Lucas and walked up to him. As she walked closer to him she could see that he had his headphones on. Instead of going up to him she went the other direction. She knew that he was probably depressed or just way to tired. The bus finally turned the corner and halted to a stop. She waited until everyone else got on the bus,then slowly walked onto the bus, and sat on the nearest seat. The bus made two more stops, then started to slowly inch it's way to hell. Meg didn't enjoy school. Kids hated her for no reason at all. They didn't even try to talk to her. The only person who made an effort was Lucas. But even now she could feel their friendship slipping away. Vanishing into thin air. Like it meant nothing to him. It made her almost want to cry. Almost.

It was after lunch. Meg had gym. Finally, she could go home. The girls started walking towards the locker rooms. One girl pushed past Meg. Meg lost balance and fell down, and all the girls laughed. When Meg got back up she walked behind the cluster of girls. When they got in the locker room Meg sighed with relief, all she needed to do was change. She walked happily towards her locker. When she got there she gasped, her locker was slightly open. She opened it further and the door fell off it's hinges. It fell to the floor with a crash. Meg picked up her shirt. She was scared to look. She finally got the nerves to look and overcame a sense of nausea, on her shirt, in red sharpie, someone had written; YOU'RE NEXT BITCH. Meg gasped. Everyone was watching her, some were whispering, others were laughing and pointing, and some were terrified, they knew what this meant. Her older sister, Jenna, stared at her. She had been chosen. She was now the target of the yearly prank. Meg sat down on the bench and put her hand to her head.

"That's what you get, bitch," someone shouted.

"You think this is funny? Well it's not, asshole!"

The bell rung for them to go home. Meg quickly got changed and walked to her bus.

When Meg got off the bus she waited for Jenna. Jenna was the last one off the bus.

"What do you want, Meg?"

"How can you ask that? You know exactly what happened today! How could you just stay there?"

"It's not my problem Meg."

"Are you kidding me? Please say you are joking!"

Jenna just walked away. Meg was mad at her sister. How could she be so mean like that? It made her upset that her sister didn't care. She walked up their driveway to see a note attached to the door. THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. THE EXCITEMENT IS JUST ABOUT TO BEGIN.

Meg looked around. No one was there but her. She opened her door, grabbed the note, crumbled it and closed the door. She was not going to let this scare her. She was going to show people that she would be the one girl that didn't get scared over some stupid prank.

Jack, Ryan, and Lucy were watching Meg's every move. Lucy had written the first message and Ryan had written the second message. They were hiding behind some bushes and were watching Meg read the note. They observed her every movement. They were planning the perfect prank. They were planning when to attack. Waiting for the right moment. All three could not wait.

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