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Peter didn't even think before he grabbed one of his web slingers and shot a web at your form, plastering one of your wrists to the brick wall behind you.

He should have known it was you. You were the one who made his senses tick, you were at every crime scene, you were-

"Whoa! What the hell?" Squinting his eyes in the darkness of the alley, he realized that you were cycling in transparency, from visible to invisible. Flickering, like a lightbulb. As he looked closer, he saw that even the web fluid on your hand was flickering along with you. "You can turn my web fluid invisible? That's awesome!"

He looked back at your face, and paled at how absolutely terrified you appeared. Your eyes were wide, your breathing was quick and labored, and you made a steady effort to yank your hand from its webbed entrapment, with no success.

Peter surged forward, worried that you were going to hurt yourself. "Hey, relax! It's okay! I'm not gonna-"

"Do you wanna put on some clothes?!" you whisper-shouted.

Peter's own face reddened as a gentle breeze sailed across his body, reminding him that he was, in fact, half-naked before you. "Yeah! Yeah, sorry!" He turned around and scrambled to get his normal clothes on.

He spun back around after buckling up his belt and nearly collapsed in shock when he saw that you were no longer where he had left you. "Oh my god, where'd you go?" He ran his hands through his hair as his eyes shot around the alley, wondering where you could have gotten to in such a short amount of time.

When he looked back at your spot, he let out a sigh of relief at the sight of you, once again flickering but in the same position. Peter brought his hands to a non-threatening gesture, much like the one he'd employed on Saturday night after you'd left Delmar's.

Except now I don't have a mask to protect me.

Peter slowly inched forward, and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of your flinch. "I'm not gonna hurt you, if that's what you're thinking."

Could you really be thinking that? Your facial expression didn't betray anything besides fear. How intimidating could he possibly be? He didn't even have the suit on!

Now I'm just regular old Peter Parker, the most unremarkable person in Queens.

He decided to get straight to the point so he could release you as soon as possible. "Listen, okay? This is pretty obvious, but you cannot tell anyone about this. Alright? You take this to your grave. It could endanger both of us."

You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Who would I tell?"

That caught him by surprise, and he had to think for a moment. Did you have any friends? You never sat by anyone, and you always kept your head down and your voice low. He supposed you were somewhat like MJ in that way, though MJ was a lot more cynical and generated a don't-mess-with-me type of atmosphere around her. And when MJ had something to say, she said it, and people remembered. Nobody ever seemed to remember you.

Peter sighed. "You promise not to tell anybody?"

You nodded your head rapidly, and though Peter felt a tightening in his chest, he understood that he had no choice but to let you go. He scooped up his mask from the dirty ground and shoved it over his head, aiming a web slinger at your hand.

"Activate solvent."

A clear fluid shot over your hand, immediately dissolving the webbing. You instantly hid your hand behind your back, though not before Peter spotted a dusting of red across your knuckles.

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