0.2 • stupid

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i found myself staring at the classroom door, waiting for isabella to walk through it. ever since the kiss at her house i couldn't stop thinking about it.

i'm not saying i like her or anything because that's not the case. i just thought the kiss was nice.

"miss reagan, a bit late aren't you?"

"a bit old aren't you?" she snapped. mr. juarez just sighed and isabella made her way towards me, she did not look like she was in a good mood.

she sat next to me and stared straight ahead. no flirty comment or a smirk?

i know i kept telling grayson i wanted her to stop but now that she did, i kind of missed it.

"so, i have a small project for today." mr. juarez spoke as he stood up from his desk.

"i want you to write a letter." a letter? that was simple. in fact, too simple.

"to the person sitting next to you." oh.

i looked to my right to see isabella staring at mr. juarez. i had to write a letter to her. what was i even supposed to say?

"the due date is on the last day of school. i won't be reading them, the other person will be."

"mr, juarez, what's the whole point in this?" michael asked with a bored face.

"it's your senior year mr. vega, you all have things you want to do after your life here is done. you may not realize it but your highschool will always be a part of your life. it's where you discover important things about yourself." he walked towards his desk and sat down.

"some of you may have figured out what you want to do with your life. you may have found the one you'll love for the rest of your life or you may have found the one person that you will take with you forever."

i thought about his words, what if you haven't found either? last girl i dated it was sophmore year but she left me for another guy who then left her for isabella but she didn't want him. i felt bad but at the same time, karma.

after all that went down, the guy ended up sleeping isabella but she still rejected him which caused him to run back to my ex-girlfriend. they're apparently very happy now and expecting a baby but everyone knew he wasn't the father.

thinking about it now i felt stupid i lost my virginity to her. the reason on why i won't sleep with isabella is not because i'm a virgin, it's because everyone knows i get attached too quickly. trust me, i've slept with many girls but my number is nothing compared to isabellas' number.

"i want you to write to your partner a letter about your experiences here in highschool. you will all get an A for this assignment. discuss." he turned his back and everyone began talking.

"so, when are y-"

"i'm not doing this stupid assignment." she snapped before i could finish my sentence.

"why not?" i feel like i shouldn't of asked that, she turned to me. her eyes were cold.

"listen here ethan dolan, whatever i have been through at this school is none of your damn business. if i don't even tell my friends what i do then i sure as hell won't tell you anything, you mean nothing to me and you never will." she scoffed. the bell rang and she quickly got up and left.

her words stung. i knew from the beginning all she wanted was to sleep with me but actually hearing her say i meant nothing hurt. thankfully we only kissed, nothing more.

i stood up and walked out of class to be greeted again by grayson and matt.

"yo, what's wrong with isabella?" matt asked and i shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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