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When come to shoot CF or music video, Bts members really allerted something.

Outfit Haeryung

They really protactived because Haeryung is the only one girl in their group so definately they dont wat anything happend to her.

So, today Bts have a photoshoot and they have been arranged their turn to take a photo.

Starting with Jungkook, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi and lastly Haeryung.
The others members just spend their time with sleep, scrolling some update about their schedule and updating a fancafe.

Haeryung just started to feel bored. She roaming around the photoshoot area without making any sound or trouble.

She dont want to make any noise because the photographerher so sensitive when doing a photoshoot

Her destination is to the food section.


She staring at the kimbap and slowly reaching the food. Her eyes are watching her surrounding.

She do not want be caught by anyone especially manager.

She on diet schedule so cant eat so much food.

"Haeryung, get ready!!"

Her stylist screaming

"Coming" Haeryung stuffed the kimbap into the mouth and sip some water before running to the dressing room.

Haeryung checks his outfit in front of the mirror and a smile appeared on her face

"Eonnie, this outfit so nice. I love it" Haeryung praise the stylist.

 I love it" Haeryung praise the stylist

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"Ofcourse, this outfit is really a hot item this day. You perfectly suit with this outfit" the stylist smiled and hugged the younger while fixing a little bit more her clothes.

"Haeryung come out. We will start the photoshoot anytime"


15 minutes after the photoshoot

"Okay, Haeryung take a rest. We will start again in 10 minutes.

The stylist rushly go to the Haeryung to fix her makeup and outfit.

"You did really well, Haeryung-a" the makeup stylist praise her.

i would like to add conversation between Haeryung and staff because we know that Bts so close with staffs.

"Thank-" Haeryung couldnt finished her sentences when someone interputted her conversation.

"Haeryung, you looks so awe-SEXY" Jimin widened his eyes when looked at Haeryung outfit.

Haeryung just eyeing Jimin.


Jimin scream suddenly make Haeryung and the other staffs flinched.

whut the hell this midget scream suddenly

"What is it- OH HOLY MOLY..."




"What? Im just wearing a clothes?!"

Haeryung raised her eyebrows looking at the members.

Yoongi stare at Haeryung with evil glare.

whut the fuck just she wear? He totally exposed her body too much

The staffs started to leave Haeryung after finish their works and after that Jungkook throw his black leather jacket at Haeryung.

Haeryung give them a confuse face.

"Wear it, dummy" Namjoon shook his head after watch Haeryung reaction.

"Well, im not going to wear it. Because it will ruin the style of this outfit" she throw back and hit it at directly at Jungkook's face.

"No, you have to wear it" Taehyung make an excuse

"Because it look so pretty on you"


Haeryung give a face

i dont give a fuck for that jacket

poor jungkook jacket😂

"Haeryung, 1 minute left" the photographer said it loud.

"I gotta go. Bye bye, KID" Haeryung laugh and get ready to make a pose.


"Okay, we have finished the photoshoot today"

"Thank you Bts for your cooperation during this shooting" the photographer give a smile to them.

"You are almost welcome, Mr.Kang. Hoping for the best for another shooting" Namjoon talk to present the group.


In a dorm

"My body sore......" Haeryung whined and laid her body on the sofa.

The other members staring each other like they communicated using their eyes.

They nodded.

"Haeryung, next time dont wear that kind of outfit again" Jin spoked first

"Why???" "I like that kind of that" Haeryung lazily respond.

"Its exposed your skin too much dear. We dont want that" Hoseok answered as he sit down on the floor.

"Can we talk this later, im too tired to speak" she mumbled .

"Listen, Haeryung"

"Kid, just dont wear it AGAIN" this time Yoongi give a talk and continue until the maknae line speak take theur turn to speech to Haeryung.

Its such a VERY LONG talk.

Haeryung doesnt give a respond.

"Well she quite, i guess she understand what we saying" Jimin said proudly.

then they heard a snoored and they look at each other other again.


"Hyung, that not me"

"Me too"

they turned their head to the girl on the sofa

"This brat, in going to hit her head with my pan after we adviced her a longggggggg-"


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