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Mirror selfie before dance practice start
#swagger #haehaeArmy #thankyou


@Seulgi.rv: damn she has a nice body

@VanGothV: did she just make a spoiler to us.... shit im not preapare yet!!!

@yyoonggi..dAEgu: holy water....bless my soul. Thankyou Haeryung, peace

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#tripholiday #krabiThai #proudproud


@bts.official: Haeryung, this is why we dont allowed you go to trip #148iq

@jInBrouudd.wiDe: shit, im think gay for her. Sorry eommaJin

@Jimin69_fans: omg, im too young to drink whole bucket of holy water. #saveme #blessyou

@ArmY.bts_one: pretty sure all members jaws are fallen off now

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Met my friend crazy friend @jacksonWang. He don't want to stop playing that machine😟

#tired #toofocuse #i'mbeingignore #3hours


@got.bangtan78: i loveeeeeu their friendship so much #jackhae

@bts.official: that's why you dont pick up your phone #ignore

@haeryung_pie: looks like bts member are being a go000d brothers to her. I want too😭

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Trying to dyed my hair by myself and the result i have to cut my hair. I ruined my hair for god sake

#blondegirl #neverdoitagain #imscare


@girlz.video: hahhaaa its remind me of Taeyeon😂😂😂. When your idol want to do it own without stylist.

@HaeHae_bTs replying to @girlz.video: thats what am i thought right now

@g0ldenMaknae.Kookie: Jin will be like "i never listen to company rule for my sake"

@dimpleJoonies.cute: i can imagined her face after dyeing her hair😂😂😂😂

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Jimin condition: drunk.

He really looks like..... when he walking back to the our dorm with full of empty bottle of soju in his hand😂😂😂😂😂

#memory #hefallsontotheground #imWheezing


@jiminie.lachimolala: omg, he fall😂😂😂😂😂. Face or butt?😂😂😂😂😂😂

@HaeHae_bTs relpying to @jiminie.lachimolala: FREAKING FACEEEUU!!! 😂

@bts.official: Haeryung, you better delete this picture in your phone now!!

@HaeHae_bTs replying to @bts.official: i will after i made a thousand copy and stick it in my bedroom wall😆❤

@bighit.official: she really love her members, dont delete. #bangpd #smirksmirk

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