Chapter 1: The Decision...

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It was just a normal morning for Athena and Rose as they were walking towards their next class which just happened to be Spanish.

"Wanna head to my place after school?" Athena asked Rose.

"How about this, you come to my house get dressed up and then we go over to Black Cherry club. What do you think?" Rose said.

As they approached Spanish class they both sat down next to each other placing their things on the desks. "No way in hell am I going to THE Black Cherry night club!" Athena exclaimed a little bit too loudly. Many students turned to look at the two, but was only stopped by the queen bee of the school walking towards Athena and Rose.

"What's this about going to the Black Cherry night club I'm hearing about?" Ashley said rather angry.

"N-n-nothing we were just talking about the club b-because my cousin was there" Athena said nervously. If you couldn't already tell Athena is not the most confident person you'll meet and that's what makes people dislike her. On the other hand Rose was one bad ass bitch. 

"OK barbie doll, first of all what we talk is none of your concern, second you have no control over this class or school so stop acting like it!" Rose yelled kind of harshly she would do anything to defend her best friend. 

"Excuse me?! Oh my gosh you act like your so confident, wait until I get my revenge on you. That would most definitely shut your mouth." Athena saw from the corner of her eye the bad boy of the school. His name is Adrian and he's definitely the hottest boy in the school and from what she has heard a sex god. But she wasn't interested her parents would kill her if she ever dated someone like him.

Rose's answer snapped her out of her thoughts and making her giggle. "What ever make's you sleep at night hon."  

After what seemed like forever for Athena and Rose Spanish class was finally over and done with. "Spanish is so not my thing" Rose said. And it was true she is really bad at it too she didn't pass the first semester nor the second. "Your going to fail the year if you don't do good in Spanish you know that right?" 

"Yea, yea whatever come on it's Friday lets go have some fun!"

Athena only shook her head while laughing at her crazy best friend.

 When Athena agreed to go to Rose's house they immediately when up the stairs and into Rose's room.

"So what are we going to wear to the Black Cherry club?" Rose asked.

"Wait hold up, I never agreed to go to that club" Athena exclaimed.

"Not my problem your still going, come on how long has it been since you went out partying?" Rose wouldn't stop trying to convince Athena.

"Well um this is embarrassing I really don't remember" Athena said rather shyly.

"That's my point, you have to come even if you want to or not" Rose said. 

After Athena tried so hard to convince Rose not to let her go, she insisted and well obviously was forced to go to the club. Rose decided to wear a bright red dress that landed at about mid thigh, strapless and with beautiful black pumps to go with it. Rose picked out Athena's outfit which was a blue dress a little bit higher than her knees which may I say she didn't like, and some black heels to go along with it.

"Okay lemme do your make-up" Rose ordered. 

"Jeez bossy much" Athena whispered.

"I heard that!" Rose yelled.

Athena only laughed and sat down on Rose's desk chair. While Rose was doing Athena's make-up and decided to do her hair as well, she was busy on Facebook. What made her want to punch Ashley in the face was that she posted:

-Hanging out with Adrian! Jealous Athena? You better be.

"Hey Rose look what Ashley posted on Facebook!" Athena said while showing her the post.

"That bitch, its not the best she can do but still she is offending you, who cares anyways your going to be with many guys tonight, if you know what I mean" Rose said while giggling 


Athena's P.O.V

We were in the car on our way to the club. I was really regretting going to this club something in me has this feeling that something bad is going to happen. Rose turned on the radio and Nirvana was on.

"Yes I love this song!" I yelled while singing along to Smells Like Teen Spirit

"Load up on guns, bring your friends its fun to lose and to pretend shes over-board and self-assured" we sang loudly while laughing uncontrollably at our horrible singing.

"With the  lights out, it's less dangerous here we are now entertain us, I feel stupid and contagious" we sang as loud as we could until Rose stopped singing. I looked at her and saw what she was looking at the huge club right in front of us. My hands started sweating, I didn't know what to do. But I promised myself that I would be strong and confident and not be scared of anything. Whats there to be scared of? It's just a club with people drinking. Just a club she kept repeating to herself, just a club.

We got out of the car and went to the entrance of the club. We showed our Id's and went inside. I took a second to look at everything carefully. I saw the bar with may I say a really cute bartender. The dance floor was to the left of the entrance and then everyone else were scattered around the room grinding on guys and all that stuff that I would never do.

"Lets go get some drinks" Rose said loudly due to the music, it was hard to hear her.

"Um yea ok!" I responed I was still scared, it's my first time at a club and guys keep eyeing me.

While we were walking I saw this hot guy standing in the corner making out with this blond chick. He caught me staring at him and thats when he started walking towards me.

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