Chapter 3: Kidnapped

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Athena's P.O.V

The guy picked me up throwing me over his shoulders while grabbing Dominic by his hand and dragging us towards what looked like a van.

"Let me go!" I yelled while pounding on his back with my fist. But that only made him tighten his grip on me.

"HELPPPP!!!"  I might as well try.


The guy threw me on the ground causing me to scream and to wake up Dominic. I just stayed there on the ground thinking of running. Will I escape this time? It took Dominic a second to realize what was happening. Until he finally gained some strength to punch him in the face. He only groaned and looked at me then back at the guy hitting him in the balls.

"RUN ATHENA RUN!!!!" Dominic yelled.

And that's exactly what I did Dominic followed shortly after. We ran threw the parking lot bumping into people who didn't have a clue of what was happening and we didn't want to call out to them knowing that they will probably get killed. When we finally reached the near by woods we stopped to catch our breath.

Panting Dominic said "W-we have to keep running we can't s-stay here anymore."

"Dom I'm s-scared" 

"It's ok, everything is going to be alright" 

But by the look on his face you could tell he wasn't agreeing to what he was saying. Sooner or later that guy is going to find us and take us. My house was about 30 minutes away in car if we walked it would take 1 hour or so we can't do that. God what did I get myself into?

Dominic pulled me into a tight hug making me feel safe but not just quite. We started walking again further into the woods. It was really hard for us to see due to the fact that it was night.

"Wait Dom do you have your phone?" 

He checked his pocket and shook his head "I think I dropped it when I got knocked out, how about you?"

"No I left it in Rose's car"

After a few minutes of walking through the rather large woods I started hearing this beeping noise.

"Dom do you hear that?"

"Yea the beeping noise it sounds like it's pretty close" 

That's until I realized that there was this chip sort of thing on Dominic.

"Dom what's that on your leg?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I don't know"


That's when I heard rustling in the bushes near us and the guy came out looking at us dangerously. I ran quickly towards Dominic not wanting to be along or anywhere near the man.

"Well I see you guys have found my tracking device" He said with a smirk on his face.

He already had a bruise forming on his face from the punch Dominic gave him. My hands starting shaking and I didn't know what to do or say.

Dominic's P.O.V

To say I am scared is an understatement. I bet you Athena wants me to say something right now or do something but I can't I don't know what to. 

"Just so you guys don't refer me as your murderer or something my name is Jessie, now you girl come here" oh so his name is Jessie well good to know maybe now we can be friends NOT.

Athena's P.O.V

The light of the moon made us see clearer I got to take a look at Jessie's appearance. He had blond almost bleach hair he was wearing a white shirt and normal skinny jeans. I can see how he carried both of us he has a lot of muscles but that doesn't matter he's our kidnapper and I can't and won't see anything good in him.

I slowly made my way towards Jessie, he pulled me by my hair bringing me to my knees.  I winced in pain trying my best not to cry.

"Let her go!" Dominic yelled trying his best to be as brave as he could but we both knew he was scared as hell.

But that only caused Jessie to grip my hair harder. At this point I just let the tears flow frealy what's the point in holding them in and trying to act brave when you know your not if Im going to die anyways.

Jessie walked towards Dominic he punched him in the face causing Dominic to fall on the floor, at this point he should have about 5 bruises on his face. Jessie drugged him which made him pass out. Jessie slowly started walking towards me. Even though I knew what was coming I was still scared shit less. When Jessie rapped a white cloth over my mouth I passed out and everything went black. 

Dominic's P.O.V

I woke up almost instantly remembering what happened earlier in the woods. Now I was in what looked like a white mini van. I looked to my left and saw Athena laying on the floor still passed out. And with the same white cloth covering a fraction of her face. When I tried to scratch my head was when I realized that my hands were tied with rope and so were my feet enting me from moving. And on my lips there was duck tape. 

The van came to an instant stop causing me to move forwords hitting my head on the side of the van.

"Ow what the fuck!" I yelled but not to loud because I knew if Jessie heard he would probably hurt me badly. Jessie kept driving making me wonder where the hell I was and where the hell Im going to. 

Athena's P.O.V

I woke up after what seemed like ages. What time is it? When I opened my eyes I saw Dominic, his hands tied as well as his feet and his mouth ducked taped. That's when I realized I still had the cloth over part of my face. My hands and feet were tied as well.

Dominic finally looked at me and we made eye contact not knowing how to communicate. Suddenly the engine stopped and everything became quiet. The back door to the van opened revealing a very pissed off and bruised Jessie. He cut off the ropes on our feet a allowing us to walk

He grabbed me first by the arm very harshly causing me to wince. Well I'm going to be getting new bruises on my arm. He than grabbed Dominic with his other hand and dragged us both to this abandoned lodge home. We walked on a rocky floor with many broken pieces of glass. All the lights were shut off not knowing where we were going but apparently Jessie knew the way. We reached the entrance of the log where only one light was turned on. Jessie kicked the door open with his right foot and threw us inside. In pure darkness not being able to say or do anything.

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