Chapter 26

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Later that day, Ross and I decided to meet up at the beach, needing to get away from everyone and all that’s been going on today.  The girls and I had followed Nicole to her room and she was surprisingly willing to cooperate and answer our questions.  I found out that Mary had only heard the story earlier this morning so at least I knew that Nicole didn’t trust her more than she trusted me.  But that doesn’t mean it didn’t bug me that she never told us about any of this before now. 

She claims she would have told us eventually, but I also have a hard time believing that.  I did discover that Nicole really does feel terrible for what she did with Dan and everything that happened with him and because of him.  She seems to feel even worse about how Riker found out.  She confessed she didn’t plan on ever telling him about Dan at all because it ashamed her too much.  Nicole said she’s very aware about her trust issues and she wishes she can just forget everything that happened with Nate but she said it’s too hard and was always a constant reminder back home.  She also told us about how Riker left her last night and how terrified she was about him saying “good bye”.  I really wanted to stay mad at her for keeping something this huge from us but after hearing everything else from her, I found it pretty hard to not forgive her.

I came to a stop as I reached the beach and swung my leg over the mint green bike I had borrowed from Rachel, considering the beach was only a ten minute ride from the house.  I hooked it up in the bike rack and kicked my flip flops off before stepping into the hot sand and walking towards my boyfriend who was sitting in the sand closer to the water.  I plop down next to him, stretching my legs out in front of me and crossing them at the ankle.

“Hi,” he says.

“Hi,” I reply while starring out at the waves crashing on the shore. 

“How’s Nicole?” Ross asks a few minutes later. 

“She’s been better.  She’s really beating herself up over all of this.  What about Riker?”

“Well, he was awake when we went back home this morning and was capable enough to make himself some coffee in attempts to sober up.  He pretty much ignored us all day, though, locking himself in his room, refusing to talk to anyone.  Rocky was trying to get into Riker’s room when I left,” Ross pauses to pick up a rock in the sand and throw it as far as he can.  I watch as it makes a small splash in the water and look over at him, surprised.  He looked worried and distraught.

“Not like Nicole really is a prostitute or anything,” Ross finally continues, “but the last time a girl did something like this to him, he spiraled way out of control.  It was almost a month before he started to come out of his room for more than a few months and began talking to us and actually laughing.  It was tough watching my big brother who was always optimistic be so upset and it’s just as hard now even though we’re so much older.”

I place my hand on Ross’s thigh, causing him to look over at me, forgetting about whatever thoughts were racing through his mind.  “He’s going to be okay,” I tell him, really hoping I’m right.  As long as Riker will agree to talk to Nicole, this whole thing should blow over quickly, but I decide not to bring that up and just want to get Ross’s mind off of everything that has been going on.

“Come on,” I say, standing up and reaching my hand out.  He hesitates before placing his palm against mine and standing up, lacing his fingers with mine.

“Where are we going?” he asks. 

“It’s a surprise,” I tell him before dragging him down the beach.


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