Chapter Two: A Little Bit Leery

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Eden's p.o.v.
I went to school like any normal sophomore. It was going on normally except the teachers kept saying goodbye to me. I didin't know why because I figured I would be coming back tomorrow, as it was a Monday. I got to my third period geometry class, and about fifteen minutes in, I was told to pack my things and go to the office. Then the teacher gave me a hug and started crying. Again very funny, because that wasn't one of my favorite teachers.
I made my way to the office, and along the way, teachers I didn't even know kept saying goodbye. I started to get very irritated by the time I got to the office because literally all of the teachers said goodbye to me. When I got to the ffice, I almost understood instantly. My parents had gone behind my back and did something to get me out of town.
The pricipal, Mr. Stephens, explained why the entire staff was in on the plan. "Please understand, Eded, this is for your mental health. If you spend to much time her, you might end up having a mental breakdown. Going to Capeside will help become metally strong. You could be able to talk to other people who have had to deal with the same thing you did. Then you wouldn't feel like you are trapped in a hole." He finished talking to my parents and sent us on our way.
We got into the car and tried to explain to me why they did this behind my back. It was the same stupid explaination that Stephens gave me in the office. When they finnished, they let me tell them how I felt before we got to the airport. Not only did I tell them, I yelled at them. "I specifically told you that I do not want to go to Capeside! I was coping on my own by doing homework! Why did you do this!?" And I shut up. We are at the terminal. Funny that it's called a terminal. Why would anybody want to go to a terminal? That was what you tell people when you find out that their cancer cannot be cured. They helped me unpack my bags from the back, helped me get through security, tell me goodbye, started crying, and then watched me get on the plane. I hated saying goodbye because I knew it would be a very long time before I got to see them again.
The plane ride was fine. The woman I sat next to on the plane was a very nice, mid-sixties, black woman named Tracy. She was nice enough to even buy me a drink that was ten dollars. I asked her why she was going to Massachusetts and she told me, and I quote, "Because when you get to be my age, you want to have a little more adventure. You start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I want to get a lot of things done before I pass on in 15 years er so." Wisdom was never finer. She asked me why I was going to Massachusettes. I had a hard time explaining why. "Well, my family back in Nebraska suffered a tragedy. They are sending me, against my will, to see my cousin and decompress. Not that I hate my ousin or anything, I would just rather stay at home with my mom and dad. Making a trip like this could bennefit them too. They didn't even bother flying with me."
"Well whatever you are going through, I hope this trip will help. I won't ask what you are going through because it must be a lot. You look like you are in pain. While you probably need to talk about this, now I can tell is not the time." Tracy is like a wisdom pumping machine.
The flight took about two and a half hours. Within that time I made a new friend. We even walked off of the plane together. "Now, my home is actually in Boston. I just came back from a trip to California. If you ever want to call me, here is my number." She scribbled down a number, and I took it from her while thanking her profusely. "You changed my life within three hours. I will never be able to thank you enough. Thanks again!" I told her. We gave eachother hugs and went our separate ways.
Pacey was waiting for me. He was with two people I didn't know. Some girl, who looked bored out of her mind, to his left. To his right was a tall boy, probably about our age, staring at me. When I caught him staring, we locked eyes for a split second, and then we looked away.
"Pacey, where is your mother? I was told she was the one picking me up." I asked. "She had to do a little cleaning at home so she sent me. I was going to drop them off at their houses, but I didn't have time. Plus, dad is in the car waiting so we better hurry. I'll introduce you guys to eachother in the car."
When we get into the car, I am forced to sit next to this mystery boy. Pacey sits up front next to Uncle John. "How was your flight, Eden?" he inquired. "Oh it wasn't bad. I met a nice woman, mainly because she sat next to me. She kept me entertained. The worst part was when a little boy decided it would be funny to start kicking my chair. I turned around to ask him to stop. He did, but then his mother encouraged him to start kicking my chair again. Some people can be unbelievable. So I turned around and threatened to have a flight attendent move her out of her first class chair and they both stopped. Everything else was fine." All of them, including the boy, started to laugh.
"You know, Pacey, you still haven't introduced me to anyone yet. I'm starting to get that stranger danger feeling." Both the boy and girl laugh. "I'll introduce myself. I'm Joey Potter, I know Pacey because of school. It's nice to meet you Eden." She is a very nice girl. I can tell we will be good friends. "And what about you? You'd have to be a pretty god friend to be willing to pick me up from the airport." He laughed again. "I'm Dawson Leery. I also know Pacey because of school. I've been bestfriends with Joey since we were lttle kids. It's nice to meet you as well, Eden." I could tell there was something between Dawson and Joey.
I said goodbye to Dawson and Joey, and then I went to the house that I would always call my summer home. Only it wasn't my summer home this year. It was my home for all school year. I was ok with that because I got to hang out with one of my best friends, if not my best friend.
I got to Pacey's house and his mother greeted me at the front door. "Hi sweetheart. I am so sorry about your brother, and the fact that we couldn't come to the funeral. As musch as we all wanted to, school had just started for Pacey, and we didn't want him to miss any school. He doesn't do very well anyway so I don't think it wouldn't have mattered anyway." They have neer really been nice to pacey about the fact that he doesn't do well in school. I always get annpyed with that because that is not nice.
Anyway, the rest of the night was getting settled into my room, and eating. There was only thing I could not keep off of my mind: the way that Dawson Leery had looked at me in the airport.

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