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Katsuki woke up to a horrible burning in his throat. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, feeling himself start to cough up something. He hunched over, coughing harder, a black substance surrounding him. Katsuki felt tears building up as he started to throw up the liquid. It felt like it was just air, nothing else.

“Bakugo?” Kirishima rushed to Katsuki’s side, rubbing his back.

Katsuki panicked, feeling the liquid begin to surround him. Kirishima gasped out, grabbing to hold Katsuki close, but he was to late. His arms swooped through a smokey-liquid substance and he fell over.

Kirishima quickly got up and sprinted down the hall of the hospitals, starting to cough. He remained calm and got to a nurse, “V-Villains, took B-Bakugo..” He managed through coughs, seeing the same black liquid that Katsuki had been coughing up. The nurse tried to lead him back to his room, but halfway down the hall, his disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Kirishima fell to his knees, panting.

“Ah, impressive Shigaraki.” Kirishima heard Dabi say. He weakly looked up, trying to find Bakugo from his line of vision. Kirishima saw Katsuki behind Dabi, hunched over, coughing. Weakly, Kirishima began to crawl towards him, yelping in pain when Dabi’s foot meet with his face.

“You, you tried to ruin everything.” Dabi spoke harshly, forcing Kirishima to get up. Kirishima glared at him, ignoring the pain of Dabi pulling his hair.

“Dabi that is enough, let him go.” Kurogiri spoke harshly. Dabi huffed and dropped Kirishima again, glancing back at Katsuki.

Katsuki’s eyes were wide and they were on Kirishima. Concern, confusion and anger flashed through out his features.

“Aw, is little Kacchan alittle confused?” Toga giggled.

Katsuki sent a glare at her. Honestly, he was worried about Kirishima. He was also confused because of what Dabi had said. And most importantly, Katsuki was pissed because someone hurt Kirishima. Usually, he could handle the tinges of anger in class or during practice, but here, when he and Kirishima were in danger, he refused to hold back.

Kirishima watched as Bakugo raised his hand at Dabi and blasted him. As soon as he could, he activated his quirk. The blast caused him to go tumbling back.

“Lay another fucking hand on him and I will end you!”


Izuku sat on the couch, watching his mother nervously pace infront of him. Why was she so anxious? Had he done something wrong? Did she somehow know about One for All?

“Izuku...I want you to know that I’m trying to keep you safe, and that it’s nothing against U.A…..”

Izuku only got more questions. Finally, his mom turned to him, tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry Izuku……I can’t allow you to go to U.A anymore....”

Izuku blinked rapidly, before standing up and running to his room, ignoring his mother’s cries of protest. This couldn’t be happening. He had to go to U.A. If he doesn’t, how will All Might train him?! Where else would he go to school!? How could he be a hero now?!

Izuku grabbed his phone off his desk and pulled up All Might’s phone number. Quickly, he hit the call button and put the phone to his ear. After a few rings, All Might picked up.

“Kid..? I’m tryi-”

“I’m so sorry, but All Might, my mom says she isn’t letting me go to U.A anymore. I-I didn’t know who else to call because I can’t exactly go to-”

“Young Midoriya..I’ll be there in the morning to talk to your mother. For now, please try and get some rest. It’s the middle of the night, and you’ve had a long week.”

Izuku sighed and nodded, “Alright..I’ll see you tommorrow, All Might…” He then hung up and sighed. As least All Might would talk to his mom. Hopefully she’ll change her mind. She has to! She knows how hard I’ve worked to get into U.A and how much I’ve been working to master my quirk!

Izuku felt himself yawn and realized how heavy his eyes were. All Might was right, it had been a long week, not just for him, but for everyone. After putting his phone on the charger and changing, Izuku laid in bed, curling up. He held a small All Might plush as he fell asleep. He told himself that everything would be okay, even though he was truly scared it wouldn’t be.


Tomura smirked at the scene before him. Katsuki was fighting everyone, making it a 6v1 fight. And to Tomura’s surprise, Katsuki was winning. Managing to dodge and land hits quickly. Too bad the kid doesn’t remember that we’re his allies.

Katsuki yelled in anger, smashing his fist into Denki’s gut, sending him flying back into the wall. He ducked, seeing a tape-ruler thing slash the air where he had just been standing. He stood back up and leaned to the left, grabbing Toga’s arm and putting her into a headlock. Katsuki took the knife from Toga’s hand and pointed to her throat.

“A-Attack me again, I dare you.” Katsuki lightly panted, pressing the knife onto her skin when Dabi stepped towards him. Everyone went completely still and Katsuki couldn’t help but smirk. He has the upper hand. He looked at the villains before him and realized, there's only six villains in front of him, where is Tomura?

Tomura rapped his finger’s around Katsuki’s throat, keeping his pinky finger lifted.

“Drop the knife and come sit down with me. There's something you should see before you think of us as the enemies.” Tomura spoke coldly and calmly.

Katsuki glanced at Kirishima, realizing if he didn’t listen he would be put in danger. He slowly dropped the knife and let go of Toga. Toga rushed over to Dabi and hid behind him.

Tomura kept his hand on Katsuki’s neck as they walked over to the bar counter. He made Katsuki sit beside him.

“Kurogiri, please pull up the video.” Tomura spoke, his voice seeming loud since everyone was silent.

Kurogiri did just that, then set the computer in front of him.

Katsuki watched himself silently, mixed emotions going through him. The first video he saw was the one of him joining the league. Izuku and his mom failed to bring up the fact that a video of him joining the league was on the internet for millions to see.

The next video he watched was one where he was cooking breakfast. This one wasn’t on youtube, but it was instead saved onto the computer. Katsuki was laughing in the video, joking around with Dabi and Denki. Kirishima was in the background, quietly mumbling to Toga and Tomura. Kurogiri, Dr.Compress and the weird reptile guy seemed to be out of the frame. As Katsuki watched, his head began to ache.

As though he were watching a movie, memories began to rapidly flash before his eyes, and his ears rung with the voices and sounds that went with them.

Katsuki groaned out loud, pained by the sudden intensity of sound and visions. Tomura looked at the teen and smirked, looking to Kirishima, “He’s remembering. You’re little plan to try and make sure he didn’t remember has failed, Eijirou Kirishima.”

Kirishima tensed, blinking back tears. Of course he’d fail, their was always going to be that chance of the villains getting Bakugo back. He’d given himself false hope and a false chance. Kirishima was certain that Katsuki wasn’t going to forgive him for not telling him. He’d probably beat Kirishima until he was more bruised than he currently has.

“W-Why..What..” Katsuki put his face in his hands as he wondered out loud. Everyone watched him in anticipation, and fear. They were nervous as well, knowing how powerful Katsuki is compared to them.

“Kirishima. Get your ass up and follow me, we need to talk!” Katsuki suddenly barked, causing everyone to jump. They watched as Kirishima nervously followed Katsuki into his room.

“Does that mean…?”

“Yes. I believe that we’ve got Katsuki back.”

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