Dialogue Practice Yet Again

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Vlinny: "eh, well, you know what they say- with great power comes great opportunities!"
Jjjjesus: "uh, don't you mean responsibility?"
Vlinny: "??? No?"

V-Dub: oh, sorry, I hope I'm not melting you with my sick burns
Vlinny: oh, they're sick alright. They're very ill-advised

Vlinny: the "v" -*points to mouth*- stands for "victory!"
Vlinny, thinking to himself: I immediately regret making that joke

Vlinny, literally removing his face: I handle my emotions very well.

Awefgeadf I guess that's all, more later! It was originally only the first one but I wanted to try and add more TvT not all of these are actually dialogue...

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