The Photo Shoot

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You and Harry gasp quietly and grab each other's hands.

The clothes for the photo shoot have arrived. Harry has been chosen to head Gucci's 2019 campaign, and the team is ecstatic. The wardrobe trunks and racks hold a dizzying assortment of clothing in classic Gucci style. Wild colors, incongruous patterns and styles from different eras mixed together, not unlike the jumbled trunk of clothes you played dress up with at your grandma's house. Yet when assembled into outfits by the Gucci gods, these pieces fall gorgeously into place, like each turn of the wheel of a kaleidoscope.

When you see new materials, it brings back the thrill you felt when you'd completed a new dress for one of your Barbie dolls. Entire Saturdays were spent cutting, sewing and gluing, working to make your visions reality. You experimented with cutting in hairstyles, too, much to the annoyance of your older sister, with whom you shared the toys.

Being a stylist is your dream, but working with Harry on his first solo tour is paradise. Like riding without training wheels, he is discovering what he is truly capable of. Developing his new sense of self in music and style, he loves to experiment. He trusts your expertise. You have bonded over many late nights and bottles of pinot noir, carefully debating different designers and choosing the lineup of suits for his shows. Fashion truly brings him joy.

He once joked at a show, while thanking the audience for their attendance, that if they didn't come it would be just him, singing and prancing around in high heeled boots and fancy clothes. He's not wrong.

Gucci has flown Harry and his crew to Rome for the shoot. They have also brought along a small, adorable zoo. Baby lambs, pigs and goats are roaming about. You can't imagine how they are going to connect to the theme but you are confident it will be fabulous. Harry is enamored with the animals and is chasing them through the tall grass like a child. You have to actually touch your chest to calm your racing heart. He makes you laugh and he makes you sweat at the same time.

There have been moments where you've wondered if his heart races, too. When you've snuggled during your planning, when he's gushed over your ideas, even a few kisses after celebrating a great show. But Harry freely expresses his love to all people around him. He makes everyone feel that they are special to him. You wonder if you really are any different.


The grounds of the famous Villa Lante is the setting for the campaign and it is straight out of a fairy tale. The landscape is lush and green. Wild roses crawl up stone fences and the fields are dotted with ponds and grottoes. Rolling hills of lavender lead up to a crumbling castle- it is unbearably gorgeous.

Your romantic imagination has you in the fields under a cloudless sky wearing a white gauzy dress, sheep milling about. You are wandering alone. Perhaps because you quarreled with your love. Or maybe your overbearing father disapproves of him. Or maybe, much like Cinderella, your callous mother tries to squeeze every ounce of strength and pride out of you, and you come here to escape.

In your dream Harry, of course, is your love. He hears the bleating and then your humming before he comes upon you. He dismounts his horse. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you softly. Looking deep into your eyes he tries to gauge your emotions. He whispers, "I've been searching for you. Don't run from me."

You collapse against his chest in relief and throw your arms around his neck. "Harry," you breathe. That's all he needs to hear. His expression changes, his eyes darken and his nostrils flare and he pins you against his horse, greedy fingers groping the bodice of your thin dress. His rough hands grip the back of your head and pull it toward him as he devours you in sloppy kisses, groaning as the heels of his hands squeeze your cheekbones and his fingers tangle in your hair. "Don't leave me again," he growls as "I need you," leaves your mouth at the same time. You gasp as he pulls your head away from his and tilts your nose to the sky, inhaling sharply. His plush lips work their way from your jawline to the crook of your neck and you shudder, feeling the need for him start to burn in your belly.

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