Eleven // Escalating Feelings.

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{Louis' POV}

I found ourselves back in Niall's living room, waltzing together while Liam and Zayn were a mere few feet away, playfully waltzing, spinning each other for the most part. Same song was playing, same distance between us, same longing look in his eyes that I missed to notice the first time. Harry slowly began to lean into me and I couldn't help myself from leaning in as well, feeling our foreheads press together, and his warm soothing breath on my lips, just centimeters away. This moment couldn't be any more perfect. I wasn't nervous or hyperventilating like I usually do, although my heart had increased rapidly before Harry leaned in closer to me. I let my eyes close, anticipating for our lips to come intact, but all at once, he got pulled away by someone. I opened my eyes and saw standing 3 feet away in front of me was Katrina, that flirtatious little whore that used to talk to him every day in class. She flashed a devilishly smirk at me as Harry wrapped his arms around her waist instead of me. Where the hell did she even come from?!

"Liam, Zayn! Did you guys let her in?!" I shouted above the music but Liam and Zayn were too preoccupied to notice. Ugh, well looks like I'm on my own.

"Um, excuse me but me and him were dancing-" I start to say as anger built up immediately inside of me, but the whore's high pitched voice cut me off.

"Just save it, Louis. I was just stepping in to save Harry from the disaster that was about to happen."

"What are you talking about?! We were just dancing!"

"Mhmm." She sassed me and turned toward Harry. I couldn't feel any more jealous and furious of Katrina and her irrelevant words that came out of her mouth than I did now. "Babe, didn't you know he's gay, and he likes you? No, let me rephrase that. He LOVES you, he did ever since the beginning of high school. Isn't that right?" That last part was intended for me as she forcefully looked back at me. My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How did she fucking find out?!

Harry glanced carefully from Katrina to me twice before speaking up for himself. "Well I'm sorry man, I don't feel the same way. In fact, you probably should just stay away from me now on."

"What? W-what the hell do you mean?" I softened as Harry's previous words hit me, hard.

"Don't you get it? We are two completely different people. In fact, I don't even understand how we became friends in the first place." That tore through my heart in an instant. I bit my lip, preventing myself from bursting into tears front of them.

"We are not that different actually. We are alike in so many ways." I insisted desperately. What I was thinking about saying next might just cross the line, but I had to say something. Anything to get Harry to get a grip. "I-I know you feel something from me. You know it, and I certainly know it. Please tell me you do."

Harry and Katrina stood there silently, and started chuckling like snobby, rich people. "Pshh, what makes you think that? I'm completely and utterly straight, why would you suspect a cheeky guy like me, to be attracted to you?"

I could not process any of the words the curly brunette was speaking. I was left immensely hurt and speechless. I had absolutely no idea how to respond to him. "But, Harry.."

"But what? Now that you've confessed to me that you fancy me, I don't know if I can be friends with you any longer. I'm sorry if I led you somehow all this time."

It's like he didn't care at all for what he was doing to me. I stayed quiet for awhile as his sparkling green eyes stared at me like I was some abomination. His delightful, cheeky smile I always saw was now replaced with a critical, disgusted expression. He no longer faced me as Katrina and him made their way toward the door, with Harry's hand was firmly on her waist and Katrina's gripped onto Harry's. I felt myself breaking down, falling to my knees.

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